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Belly Journal

To go even further and know your body better

Romarin et proprietes sur le foie | DIJO Paris
Rosemary: Benefits and properties for the body and liver

Rosemary is an aromatic plant commonly used in cooking for its aromas. But do you know all its benefits on the body?

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#QVEMA – Comment on s’est préparées à passer devant 2 millions de téléspectateurs ?
#QVEMA – How did we prepare to appear in front of 2 million viewers?

This show could change the future of DIJO, it was the most stressful moment of our lives.

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#QVEMA  - Comment on est arrivées là ?
#QVEMA - How did we get here?

Since our launch in 2019, every day we have made a sacrifice, every day we have given 250% without any guarantee, and every day we wonder if we made the right choice.

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Les Echos parle de DIJO | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques
Les Echos talks about DIJO!

We are delighted to appear in an article published by Les Echos ENTREPRENEURS in the Health section! An article written by Isabelle Meijers. The opportunity to learn a little more about the creation and mission of DIJO! Here it is

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L'acide hyaluronique, une molécule aux vertus hydratantes | DIJO Paris
Hyaluronic acid: moisturizing properties for face and hair

Discover hyaluronic acid, this molecule with anti-aging properties which plays a crucial role in maintaining hydration.

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Collagène marin : bienfaits et précautions pour une peau éclatante
Marine collagen: benefits and precautions for glowing skin

Discover all the unsuspected benefits of marine collagen on the beauty of the skin and the health of joints, bones and muscles.

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Le desmodium ⎜DIJO Paris
Desmodium: its unsuspected benefits on the body

We reveal all the benefits of desmodium to you. Discover this plant known for its virtues on the liver, lungs and digestion.

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Citrate de zinc : bienfaits, propriétés et danger | DIJO Paris
Zinc citrate: benefits, properties and danger

Discover zinc citrate, a chemical compound derived from zinc which offers better assimilation of this trace element with many benefits.

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Vitamine C, précurseur du collagène | DIJO Paris
Everything you need to know about Vitamin C: sources, benefits and dose

Discover Vitamin C, a true ally for health, involved in the synthesis of collagen.

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Chrysanthellum ⎜DIJO Paris
Chrysanthellum: benefits for the liver and blood circulation

We reveal to you all the secrets of Chrysanthellum, this plant with spectacular virtues on the liver, nervous and cerebral system.

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N-Acétylglucosamine : Bienfaits, dosage, effets secondaires | DIJO Paris
N-Acetylglucosamine: Benefits, dosage, side effects

Discover the little-known benefits of N-Acetylglucosamine, this amino sugar precursor of hyaluronic acid.

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Vitamine D3 : sources, bienfaits et carence | DIJO Paris
Vitamin D3: sources, benefits and deficiency

Discover Vitamin D3, a true ally for health which plays a key role in the proper functioning of the immune system.

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Probiotiques et enfants
Probiotics for children: everything you need to know

Find out how probiotics can boost your children's health. Benefits, sources and precautions to know for optimal digestion!

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Tamarin et digestion ⎜DIJO Paris
Tamarind: benefits on digestion and regulation of intestinal transit

Tamarind, a fruit with a tangy and slightly sweet taste, has many digestive benefits thanks to its powerful active ingredients. Come and discover them.

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Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support our own good intestinal bacteria, which inhabit our digestive tract and particularly our colon. Probiotics thus help strengthen the intestinal microbiota and fight against the disappearance of certain essential and protective bacteria.
