How to treat cystitis naturally and quickly?
How to treat cystitis naturally? We tell you everything about the causes, symptoms and natural treatments to get rid of it quickly.
Les 7 nutriments essentiels au corps humain
Découvrez les 7 nutriments essentiels pour la santé humaine, leurs rôles vitaux et où les trouver, pour une alimentation saine et équilibrée.
10 aliments riches en glucides pour le sport
Découvrez les 10 meilleurs aliments riches en glucides pour soutenir vos performances sportives. Optimisez votre régime sportif grâce à ces sources d'énergie indispensables !
Top 8 Foods That Are Sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for many processes to function properly. Discover the top 8 foods richest in vitamin D!
Sleep and digestion: is there a link between lack of sleep and digestive disorders?
Learn how lack of sleep affects digestion, with tips for improving sleep and digestive comfort.
Symptoms of endometriosis: everything you need to know about the disease
Find out everything you need to know about the symptoms associated with endometriosis, and all our advice for improving your daily life with this disease.
From the gut to the scales: How the gut microbiota influences your weight
The microbiota is closely linked to the regulation of our weight. Find out how the gut microbiota can influence the weight on your scale.
Digestive Acne: Link between diet and beautiful skin
Acne is a disease with multiple causes. The gut-skin axis may be one of the origins of this disruption of skin health.
Weight gain and bloated stomach: how to fix it?
Swollen stomach and bloating, accompanied by sudden weight gain? Discover our solutions for optimal digestive well-being.
Constipation: top 10 foods rich in fiber
Discover the foods to favor in case of constipation and how to regulate your transit with a diet rich in fiber.
Difficult digestion: causes, symptoms and solutions
Do you suffer from heartburn accompanied by bloating and a feeling of fullness too quickly? Discover the causes and our solutions to regain intestinal comfort.
5 recognized nutritional tips to take care of your stomach
Nutrition is at the heart of our digestive health. Discover our 5 dietary tips to take care of your stomach.
How to treat cystitis naturally and quickly?
How to treat cystitis naturally? We tell you everything about the causes, symptoms and natural treatments to get rid of it quickly.
Les 7 nutriments essentiels au corps humain
Découvrez les 7 nutriments essentiels pour la santé humaine, leurs rôles vitaux et où les trouver, pour une alimentation saine et équilibrée.
10 aliments riches en glucides pour le sport
Découvrez les 10 meilleurs aliments riches en glucides pour soutenir vos performances sportives. Optimisez votre régime sportif grâce à ces sources d'énergie indispensables !
Top 8 Foods That Are Sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for many processes to function properly. Discover the top 8 foods richest in vitamin D!
Sleep and digestion: is there a link between lack of sleep and digestive disorders?
Learn how lack of sleep affects digestion, with tips for improving sleep and digestive comfort.
Symptoms of endometriosis: everything you need to know about the disease
Find out everything you need to know about the symptoms associated with endometriosis, and all our advice for improving your daily life with this disease.
From the gut to the scales: How the gut microbiota influences your weight
The microbiota is closely linked to the regulation of our weight. Find out how the gut microbiota can influence the weight on your scale.
Digestive Acne: Link between diet and beautiful skin
Acne is a disease with multiple causes. The gut-skin axis may be one of the origins of this disruption of skin health.
Weight gain and bloated stomach: how to fix it?
Swollen stomach and bloating, accompanied by sudden weight gain? Discover our solutions for optimal digestive well-being.
Constipation: top 10 foods rich in fiber
Discover the foods to favor in case of constipation and how to regulate your transit with a diet rich in fiber.
Les probiotiques sont définis comme des : « micro-organismes vivants qui, lorsqu'ils sont ingérés en quantité suffisante, exercent des effets positifs sur la santé de l’hôte » selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé*
*Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Evaluation of Health and Nutritional Properties of Probiotics in Food Including Powder Milk with Live Lactic Acid Bacteria (October 2001), OMS.