Les 7 nutriments essentiels au corps humain
Découvrez les 7 nutriments essentiels pour la santé humaine, leurs rôles vitaux et où les trouver, pour une alimentation saine et équilibrée.
10 aliments riches en glucides pour le sport
Découvrez les 10 meilleurs aliments riches en glucides pour soutenir vos performances sportives. Optimisez votre régime sportif grâce à ces sources d'énergie indispensables !
Top 8 Foods That Are Sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for many processes to function properly. Discover the top 8 foods richest in vitamin D!
Sleep and digestion: is there a link between lack of sleep and digestive disorders?
Learn how lack of sleep affects digestion, with tips for improving sleep and digestive comfort.
Choosing the right probiotics for vaginal flora
Tired of intimate discomfort? Come and discover how to choose the best probiotics to maintain a healthy and balanced vaginal flora.
Symptoms of endometriosis: everything you need to know about the disease
Find out everything you need to know about the symptoms associated with endometriosis, and all our advice for improving your daily life with this disease.
The best probiotics for your intestinal flora
Find out how to choose the best probiotics to deeply balance and support your intestinal flora with DIJO.
Probiotics for infants: what to think?
Probiotics for infants: discover the benefits, risks and essential recommendations for your baby's well-being.
What are the best probiotics for babies?
Saying goodbye to baby colic is possible! Discover the probiotics to favor for the digestive and immune health of babies.
Probiotics and constipation: bacteria as allies of intestinal transit
Chronic constipation is an intestinal disorder that can significantly impact quality of life. Find out how probiotics can help regulate intestinal transit and relieve constipation.
From the gut to the scales: How the gut microbiota influences your weight
The microbiota is closely linked to the regulation of our weight. Find out how the gut microbiota can influence the weight on your scale.
Digestive Acne: Link between diet and beautiful skin
Acne is a disease with multiple causes. The gut-skin axis may be one of the origins of this disruption of skin health.
Les 7 nutriments essentiels au corps humain
Découvrez les 7 nutriments essentiels pour la santé humaine, leurs rôles vitaux et où les trouver, pour une alimentation saine et équilibrée.
10 aliments riches en glucides pour le sport
Découvrez les 10 meilleurs aliments riches en glucides pour soutenir vos performances sportives. Optimisez votre régime sportif grâce à ces sources d'énergie indispensables !
Top 8 Foods That Are Sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for many processes to function properly. Discover the top 8 foods richest in vitamin D!
Sleep and digestion: is there a link between lack of sleep and digestive disorders?
Learn how lack of sleep affects digestion, with tips for improving sleep and digestive comfort.
Choosing the right probiotics for vaginal flora
Tired of intimate discomfort? Come and discover how to choose the best probiotics to maintain a healthy and balanced vaginal flora.
Symptoms of endometriosis: everything you need to know about the disease
Find out everything you need to know about the symptoms associated with endometriosis, and all our advice for improving your daily life with this disease.
The best probiotics for your intestinal flora
Find out how to choose the best probiotics to deeply balance and support your intestinal flora with DIJO.
Probiotics for infants: what to think?
Probiotics for infants: discover the benefits, risks and essential recommendations for your baby's well-being.
What are the best probiotics for babies?
Saying goodbye to baby colic is possible! Discover the probiotics to favor for the digestive and immune health of babies.
Probiotics and constipation: bacteria as allies of intestinal transit
Chronic constipation is an intestinal disorder that can significantly impact quality of life. Find out how probiotics can help regulate intestinal transit and relieve constipation.
Les probiotiques sont des bactéries bénéfiques venant en renfort de nos propres bonnes bactéries intestinales, qui peuplent notre tube digestif et tout particulièrement notre côlon. Les probiotiques permettent ainsi de renforcer le microbiote intestinal et de lutter contre la disparition de certaines bactéries, essentielles et protectrices.