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Tout savoir sur la cystite et la façon de la soigner | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques
How to treat cystitis naturally and quickly?

How to treat cystitis naturally? We tell you everything about the causes, symptoms and natural treatments to get rid of it quickly.

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10 aliments riches en vitamine C + DIJO Paris
10 Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Discover the 10 foods richest in vitamin C to boost your immune system and improve your daily health.

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Symptômes de l'endométriose : tout savoir sur la maladie + DIJO Paris
Symptoms of endometriosis: everything you need to know about the disease

Find out everything you need to know about the symptoms associated with endometriosis, and all our advice for improving your daily life with this disease.

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Prise de poids et ventre gonflé : comment y remédier ? | DIJO Paris
Weight gain and bloated stomach: how to fix it?

Swollen stomach and bloating, accompanied by sudden weight gain? Discover our solutions for optimal digestive well-being.

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Ventre gonflé pendant les règles : 5 astuces pour vous soulager | DIJO Paris
Swollen stomach during menstruation: 5 tips to relieve you

Do you have a swollen stomach during your period and are you looking for a solution? Discover our tips that will provide you with effective relief.

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Constipation : top 10 des aliments riches en fibres | DIJO Paris
Constipation: top 10 foods rich in fiber

Discover the foods to favor in case of constipation and how to regulate your transit with a diet rich in fiber.

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Acidité estomac : quels aliments prendre ? | DIJO Paris
Stomach acidity: what foods to take?

Learn how to relieve stomach acid through your diet and find the foods that will relieve your heartburn.

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#QVEMA - Est-ce qu’on regrette notre décision ? | DIJO Paris
#QVEMA - Do we regret our decision?

Dive into the challenges and doubts encountered during our time on the show “Who wants to be my partner?”.

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#QVEMA - Qu’est-ce qu’il s’est passé au lendemain de l’émission ? | DIJO Paris
#QVEMA - What happened the day after the show?

Discover the unexpected impact of our appearance on the show “Who wants to be my partner?” and the difficulties we have overcome.

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Digestion difficile : causes, symptômes et solutions | DIJO Paris
Difficult digestion: causes, symptoms and solutions

Do you suffer from heartburn accompanied by bloating and a feeling of fullness too quickly? Discover the causes and our solutions to regain intestinal comfort.

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Recettes détox ventre plat | DIJO Paris
5 detox recipes for a flat stomach in shape

To find a flat and fit stomach, especially after excess, here are our 5 best detox recipes to combine pleasure and digestive health.

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Faire dégonfler le ventre | DIJO Paris
How to deflate your stomach quickly?

A bloated, swollen belly is a sign of an unhealthy intestinal microbiota. Discover our tips for deflating your belly quickly.

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Tout savoir sur la cystite et la façon de la soigner | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques
How to treat cystitis naturally and quickly?

How to treat cystitis naturally? We tell you everything about the causes, symptoms and natural treatments to get rid of it quickly.

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10 aliments riches en vitamine C + DIJO Paris
10 Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Discover the 10 foods richest in vitamin C to boost your immune system and improve your daily health.

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Symptômes de l'endométriose : tout savoir sur la maladie + DIJO Paris
Symptoms of endometriosis: everything you need to know about the disease

Find out everything you need to know about the symptoms associated with endometriosis, and all our advice for improving your daily life with this disease.

En voir plus
Prise de poids et ventre gonflé : comment y remédier ? | DIJO Paris
Weight gain and bloated stomach: how to fix it?

Swollen stomach and bloating, accompanied by sudden weight gain? Discover our solutions for optimal digestive well-being.

En voir plus
Ventre gonflé pendant les règles : 5 astuces pour vous soulager | DIJO Paris
Swollen stomach during menstruation: 5 tips to relieve you

Do you have a swollen stomach during your period and are you looking for a solution? Discover our tips that will provide you with effective relief.

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Constipation : top 10 des aliments riches en fibres | DIJO Paris
Constipation: top 10 foods rich in fiber

Discover the foods to favor in case of constipation and how to regulate your transit with a diet rich in fiber.

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Acidité estomac : quels aliments prendre ? | DIJO Paris
Stomach acidity: what foods to take?

Learn how to relieve stomach acid through your diet and find the foods that will relieve your heartburn.

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#QVEMA - Est-ce qu’on regrette notre décision ? | DIJO Paris
#QVEMA - Do we regret our decision?

Dive into the challenges and doubts encountered during our time on the show “Who wants to be my partner?”.

En voir plus
#QVEMA - Qu’est-ce qu’il s’est passé au lendemain de l’émission ? | DIJO Paris
#QVEMA - What happened the day after the show?

Discover the unexpected impact of our appearance on the show “Who wants to be my partner?” and the difficulties we have overcome.

En voir plus
Digestion difficile : causes, symptômes et solutions | DIJO Paris
Difficult digestion: causes, symptoms and solutions

Do you suffer from heartburn accompanied by bloating and a feeling of fullness too quickly? Discover the causes and our solutions to regain intestinal comfort.

En voir plus

Les probiotiques sont définis comme des : « micro-organismes vivants qui, lorsqu'ils sont ingérés en quantité suffisante, exercent des effets positifs sur la santé de l’hôte » selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé*

*Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Evaluation of Health and Nutritional Properties of Probiotics in Food Including Powder Milk with Live Lactic Acid Bacteria (October 2001), OMS.
