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Swollen stomach during menstruation: 5 tips to relieve you

Do you have a swollen stomach during your period and are you looking for a solution? Discover our tips that will provide you with effective relief.

At the end of each menstrual cycle, it's the same thing, you're not feeling too good, your stomach swells and you feel like you can no longer zip up your jeans like before. No matter how much we tell you that this swelling is natural and linked to hormones, that doesn't make it any easier to live with. So what can you do to relieve a swollen stomach during your period?

Why does the stomach swell during menstruation?

A story of hormones

Contrary to popular belief, it is not the uterus that swells during menstruation, but it is the intestines. But how to explain it? progesterone levels increase drastically during the premenstrual period. Its mission is to prepare the woman's body for possible implantation of the embryo into the uterine mucosa and to maintain uterine calm. Indeed, progesterone inhibits the activity of uterine tone, limiting contractions of the uterus which can have a “rebound” effect on the muscular tissue surrounding the intestine. The latter relaxes and operates in slow motion. Transit is therefore slower and intestinal gas accumulates, hence this unpleasant feeling of bloating and a swollen stomach.

After the period and if fertilization has not occurred, the progesterone level drops and the intestinal muscles regain their tone. Thus, transit returns to a regular rhythm and the stomach deflates naturally.

Water retention

Following these hormonal upheavals, the menstrual cycle is accompanied by annoying swelling, called water retention. How can we not mention this phenomenon when we talk about periods? Fluid retention refers to the accumulation of fluid in the space between cells when the body absorbs more water than it eliminates. These edemas are mainly located in the lower limbs, stomach and chest.

In the second phase of the cycle (luteal phase), that is to say as the next period approaches, the progesterone level predominates. However, there may remain too high a level of estrogen, which weakens the filtration capacity of the lymphatic system and increases the permeability of the capillaries and therefore leads to the formation of edema.

So don't panic if you see the number on the scale increase before or during your period: this is a natural and temporary phenomenon!

Pre-menstrual syndrome

It is also not excluded that you are subject to pre-menstrual syndrome if you have a swollen stomach! Pre-menstrual syndrome affects approximately 30 to 40% of women worldwide and refers to psychological and physical symptoms that occur before menstruation. This phenomenon is due to hormonal fluctuations and can also be explained by genetic susceptibility or a deficiency of essential minerals.

5 tips to deflate your stomach during your period

For those who suffer from this phenomenon during their periods, here are some everyday tips that can help reduce the feeling of a bloated stomach.

1 – Manage stress

Did you know that the digestive system is very sensitive to stress? Indeed, there is a real axis of communication between the intestine and the brain. Under the effect of too much cortisol, more commonly called the stress hormone, the neurons present in the intestines will modify the contractility of the intestinal muscles causing transit disorders.

We recommend a small stretching session in the morning, which is enough to start the day in good conditions: combined with good breathing management during exercise, this allows you to get your body going and relieve tension. which could have accumulated during the night and simply woken up!

2 - Adopt a healthy diet

Changing your diet to promote better digestive comfort is the first line of defense against bloating and a swollen stomach.

Indeed, it is recommended to favor lighter meals by limiting the consumption of animal proteins, target fermented foods rich in FODMAP , raw vegetables and meals high in fat. For deeper and longer-lasting effects, it is also possible to consume foods rich in probiotics and good for your intestinal flora in order to balance it and promote better digestive transit.

Likewise, maintaining a correct hydration level with 1.5L of water per day helps strengthen the body's functions and support optimal intestinal transit. To vary the pleasures, it is possible to flavor your water (lemon, cucumber, strawberry, etc.) or to drink tea, coffee and infusions in addition.

3 – Limit your salt intake

Salt can be a real enemy. Excessive salt intake can lead to water retention, which makes you feel bloated and makes your belly look bloated. To limit this, try reducing your salt intake by avoiding processed foods and cooking at home with herbs and spices to enhance the taste.

4 - Sport is your ally

We know that sport has a thousand and one virtues for our body, particularly on digestion. Indeed, during physical activity, the increase in heart rate allows a better supply of blood, and therefore oxygen, to the intestinal muscles.

Thus, regular exercise stimulates intestinal peristalsis characterized by all the muscular contractions facilitating the movement of food through the digestive system. You can opt for exercises to strengthen the abdominal area such as abs and core training.

5 – Get enough sleep

Of course, if you're sleep deprived , your body will have a hard time getting through the day. Getting enough sleep also means avoiding fatigue, irritability, headaches, etc. These symptoms will be accentuated during the pre-menstrual period. Additionally, disrupted sleep can increase the risk of intestinal inflammation, which can lead to the effect of a bloated belly. Finally, know that a lack of sleep is a factor favoring obesity.

Deflate your stomach quickly thanks to DIJO

At DIJO, and to make your life easier, we have developed food supplements bringing together different plants to quickly deflate your stomach and fight against bloating . Our 5-day reset brings together all the essential elements to allow you to fight against these inconveniences and thus regain intestinal serenity. Thanks to its concentrated formula, find a flat stomach in just 5 days thanks to the action of its 4 carminative and antispasmodic plants.

In addition, in the event of a copious meal, excess or difficult digestion , we have thought of everything and developed our Light Digestion Pack , which brings together 2 cures: the Essential probiotics and our Easy Digestion , a quick and effective option to allow you to balance your intestinal flora, deflate your stomach and thus find a peaceful mind.

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