Digestion difficile : causes, symptômes et solutions | DIJO Paris

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Difficult digestion: causes, symptoms and solutions

Do you suffer from heartburn accompanied by bloating and a feeling of fullness too quickly? Discover the causes and our solutions to regain intestinal comfort.

Digestion is a complex mechanical and chemical process, crucial to our health . It promotes the cutting of food in order to facilitate the absorption of nutrients and micro-nutrients essential to the proper functioning of our body. The digestive flora, also called intestinal microbiota, is responsible for the proper maintenance of this system. Due to its richness in micro-organisms, called probiotics which feed on prebiotics , it allows regulation of transit, optimal functioning of the digestive and immune, cerebral and metabolic systems .

However, due to our current lifestyles, more and more people are affected by digestive disorders which can sometimes alter their quality of life. So, what are the causes and signs of difficult digestion? Discover all the solutions to regain intestinal comfort.

Difficult digestion, what is it?

We call “ difficult digestion ” or “ dyspepsia ” an abdominal discomfort often described as a burning sensation in the stomach accompanied by bloating , gas and belching, nausea or even vomiting, a feeling of fullness quickly after the start of the meal and sometimes headaches. Changes in bowel movement frequency are also good indicators of difficult digestion.

When these previously stated symptoms last more than 6 months, including 3 consecutive months of uninterrupted symptoms, we speak of functional dyspepsia .

This gastrointestinal discomfort can significantly affect quality of life. It is therefore essential to remedy this gastrointestinal discomfort.

Identify the causes of difficult digestion

1 - Food

Transit disorders are usually caused by external factors, such as poor eating habits. Meals that are too large, as well as spicy or high-fat meals, should therefore be avoided! Indeed, fatty and ultra-processed products can burden digestion , slow down transit and therefore lead to bloating , stomach aches, or even diarrhea or constipation . In addition, overconsumption of alcohol or tobacco can contribute to slowed transit and disrupted digestion. A sedentary lifestyle can also slow down intestinal transit and contribute to constipation.

2 - Anxiety

Clinically, it is recognized that anxiety and chronic stress can cause dysregulation of the stress response system, controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. When a stress factor is perceived, the adrenal gland will, in response to signals from this axis, release cortisol, more commonly known as “ the stress hormone ”.

Stressors can include events such as sudden changes in body temperature or blood pressure, prolonged reduction in food intake, illness, infection, and pain. Additionally, there are stressors in a more common sense of the term, namely fear, stress and sadness.

However, a prolonged release of cortisol will lead to a disruption of the stress response system, causing changes in the contractility of intestinal muscles and transit disorders.

3 – Dysfunction of the digestive system

Difficult digestion , or dyspepsia , can also be of pathological origin. In some cases, we find:

  • Esophagitis due, for example, to reflux of stomach acids into the esophagus;
  • Food intolerance (example: lactose).

In rarer cases, digestive disorders are sometimes a sign of serious digestive diseases such as:

  • A peptic ulcer;
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD): Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis;
  • Intestinal motility disorder or irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Chronic gastritis (long-lasting inflammation of the mucosa lining the inside of the stomach);
  • Bile duct stones;
  • A gastrointestinal, liver or bile duct tumor.

Consult the doctor if your digestion problems are accompanied by black stools, vomiting, headaches or even fever, or drastic weight loss!

Solutions to combat difficult digestion

It is entirely possible to get rid of these stomach aches, by adopting, for example, new habits to put in place on a daily basis.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

1- Eat varied and balanced

In order to resolve your transit problems, it is essential to opt for a balanced diet rich in fiber. In fact, it is recommended to consume 30 to 35 grams of fiber per day. These increase the mass of stools, thus accelerating transit. Beyond their mechanical action on transit, and through their prebiotic effect , they contribute to maintaining a balance of the intestinal flora.

Remember to hydrate yourself and drink between 1 liter and 1.5 liters of water (preferably still) per day for adequate hydration. This promotes the passage of the food bolus through the digestive system.

2 – Take the time to eat

By focusing on chewing, we also promote the feeling of satiety, because we generate the production of histamine in the brain, it is a neurotransmitter that modulates the sensations of satiety. It sends a signal to your body to tell it that you are no longer hungry. In addition to slowing down the digestion process , eating quickly increases the amount of air swallowed, so it's better to take your time and slow down if you want to avoid the appearance of flatulence! Remember: your meal should last at least 20 minutes .

Finally, try to schedule your meals at regular times. Avoid skipping meals, eating late and snacking between meals! This contributes to disrupting the functioning of your digestive system.

3 – Stop smoking

Easier said than done, certainly, but tobacco consumption, in addition to everything else, has a big impact on the production of flatulence, for reasons that seem obvious. Yet another argument to break this bad habit.

4 – Avoid carbonated drinks

Excessive consumption of soft drinks and sodas can clog the gastrointestinal tract by releasing carbon dioxide, causing a feeling of discomfort and bloating . Additionally, the presence of acidic compounds in soda can irritate the stomach lining and worsen acid reflux problems.

Sugar , generally present in large quantities in these drinks, can disrupt the balance of intestinal flora and promote the growth of unwanted bacteria. This gut dysbiosis can lead to digestive issues such as bloating , gas , and diarrhea .

Finally, it is often recommended to favor drinks such as plain water or non-irritating herbal teas, to help maintain healthy digestion. At DIJO, we highly recommend our mega-draining infusion based on organic nettle, organic ginger, organic spirulina and organic mint, which promotes the elimination of toxins and helps with better digestion.

5 – Practice regular physical activity

Sport has a thousand and one virtues for our body, particularly on digestion. Indeed, during physical activity, the increase in heart rate allows a better supply of blood, and therefore oxygen, to the intestinal muscles.

Thus, regular exercise stimulates intestinal peristalsis characterized by all the muscular contractions facilitating the movement of food through the digestive system. Indeed, the digestive walk after a hearty meal is not a myth, it really facilitates digestion.

To manage stress

Regularly practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help reduce stress and improve digestion.

See a doctor

The most important thing is to listen to your body and especially your stomach! It is therefore recommended to consult a doctor if:

  • There is no obvious cause explaining your problems and they are intense
  • Your stomach aches started at the same time as taking a new treatment
  • Measures taken to improve digestion have no effect beyond 48 hours.

Take probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that support our own good intestinal bacteria, which inhabit our digestive tract . As a treatment, food supplements for digestion provide numerous health benefits and contribute to the optimal balance of the intestinal flora. Indeed, restoring the balance of the intestinal microbiota contributes to better digestion and better fermentation of food, thanks to a flora richer in bacteria, beneficial for the body, and which fulfill this role.

At DIJO, we are committed to supporting you in your well-being care routines. This is why we developed the Essential Probiotics treatment . This product allows you to stock up on good digestive probiotics with 28 billion CFU including 8 different strains, for optimal action !

And in case of difficult digestion, we recommend the Light Digestion Pack which combines 2 cures: The essential probiotics which will rebalance your microbiota and Easy Digestion , to be taken occasionally after a hearty meal to regain a light and deflated stomach!

Please note that these products are to be taken as part of a healthy lifestyle and cannot replace a varied and balanced diet. It is recommended to respect the indicated daily dose and to keep it out of the reach of young children.

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