Renforcer son système immunitaire | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques

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How to strengthen your immune system naturally?

We explain how to strengthen your immune system naturally, to be stronger against viruses and regain energy and vitality.

Strengthening your immune system means, above all, eating well! And yes, 80% of our immune cells are found in the intestinal wall.

By providing the right nutrients to our body we can therefore strengthen this immune barrier which will protect us against viruses and pathogenic bacteria coming from the outside. Cécile Pétureau, Naturopath, explains to us how immunity works, and gives us valuable advice to try to strengthen your immune system .

What is immunity?

Immunity is quite simply the ability of our body to defend itself against elements that could alter its proper functioning.

Strengthen your immune system naturally through food

Strengthening your immune system is ultimately an everyday job , and our good immunity comes first and foremost through our diet. By optimizing the quality of our daily diet, we can strengthen our immunity naturally.

On the one hand by providing the immune system with the nutrients it needs to function well, and on the other hand, by taking care of our intestinal microbiota since it plays a major role in our immunity. Indeed, part of our intestinal microbiota constitutes an immune barrier which limits the entry of pathogens into our body.

Increase your consumption of foods rich in prebiotics

Fibers rich in prebiotics are categories of fibers which will serve as substrates and fuel for our own intestinal bacteria called probiotics and will allow their development. These fibers are found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes. And among the vegetables and fruits which are the richest: banana, asparagus, garlic, onion, artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, leeks.

To be sure you have what you need, we also advise you to regularly take a course of prebiotic food supplements. For example with our natural product Focus Energy and Immunity which strengthens immunity thanks to vitamin C , Guarana and Ginseng . 3 active ingredients with recognized virtues for a direct action on lowering immunity.

Increase your consumption of foods rich in probiotics

Foods rich in probiotics include, for example, lacto-fermented foods: sauerkraut, pickles, pickles, olives, fermented soy (tofu or miso), and fermented drinks such as kefir and kombucha.

As with prebiotics, we advise you to also take a course of probiotics in the form of food supplements. With L'Indispensable Probiotics you stock up on good bacteria for a top microbiota which will allow you to strengthen your immune system.

Stock up on omega-3 to strengthen your immune system

Omega-3 contributes to the integrity and maintenance of our intestinal mucosa. They also have regulatory properties of inflammation which is a natural reaction of the immune system. Finally, they have a role as prebiotics and are therefore extremely interesting for the proper development of our beneficial bacteria.

They are found in fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, etc.), eggs, nuts, chia and hemp seeds and oils rich in omega-3 (linseed, walnut, camelina, or hemp oil).

Limit processed foods

Often rich in refined sugars, they directly disrupt our microbiota, creating intestinal dysbiosis , the source of many dysfunctions in our health.

The top 5 foods to strengthen your immunity

N°1 - Beetroot to strengthen your immune system ✨

Its color, due to pigments with a high betalain content, gives it great anti-inflammatory properties. It also has powerful antioxidants.

No. 2 - Broccoli to stay in shape 🥦

Made up of 92% water, broccoli is a must: rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin D and C, it helps to stay in shape throughout the cold season. Now is not the time to neglect green vegetables, although they have a “diet” reputation.

No. 3 - Garlic to boost immunity 🧄

Always considered a nutraceutical, garlic is an undeniable asset for boosting our immune system. Rich in potassium, particularly rich in calcium, providing vitamin A and's got it all! In addition, it is bactericidal, that is to say it acts as a pulmonary and digestive antiseptic and proves to be a valuable aid in the fight against infections and viruses!

N°4 - The apple to fight infections 🍏

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Who has never heard this saying? Vitamin C, antioxidants but also fiber and pectin which help intestinal transit, as well as an 85% water content which allows us to hydrate. The advantage of the apple is also that it helps fight against respiratory infections which particularly threaten us during the cold season.

N°5 - Nuts to stock up on energy 💪🏼

Ideal for a snack or to add to all our dishes, walnuts have a long list of benefits: they provide magnesium, iron, calcium, minerals, trace elements, omega 3...for our natural defenses. When feeling tired, it gives a boost of energy, while having an appetite suppressant effect.

Strengthening your immune system naturally requires a good diet, but also a good intake of prebiotics or probiotics . Up to you !

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