Collagène marin : bienfaits et précautions pour une peau éclatante

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Marine collagen: benefits and precautions for glowing skin

Discover all the unsuspected benefits of marine collagen on the beauty of the skin and the health of joints, bones and muscles.

What you must remember :

  • Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body.
  • Marine collagen is one of the best sources of collagen.
  • It has many benefits for the health of the skin, joints and muscles.
  • Taking marine collagen in the form of food supplements is strongly recommended after a certain age to fight against skin aging.
  • Combine collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C for long-lasting effects

What is collagen?

Collagen , the most abundant protein in the human body, is present in many tissues such as bones, joints, tendons, skin and many others.

There are several types, here are a few:

  • Type 1 present in bones
  • Type 2 present in cartilage
  • Type 3 present in muscles and blood vessels

In addition, collagen has a toning action and hyaluronic acid helps smooth and hydrate the skin.

And marine collagen in all this?

Marine collagen corresponds to collagen extracted from marine fish tissues. Unlike vegan collagen, that from animals has a higher bioavailability and level of assimilation. In addition, unlike bovine collagen and according to several scientific studies, marine collagen has better assimilation and helps avoid potential contamination which would be due to bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

Sources of marine collagen

Marine collagen comes from the generally uneaten tissues of fish and shellfish such as skin, bones and scales. Indeed, as in humans, this protein is found in the bone and cartilaginous tissues of these living beings.

This collagen is therefore mainly consumed in the form of broth or food supplements . The broth is prepared using these tissues which are immersed in water for several hours (6 to 24 hours) to which vegetables, herbs and spices are added to give more flavor. It is then filtered to be consumed as a juice, at the start of a meal.

The benefits of marine collagen

Marine collagen has many benefits for the body.

Due to its abundance in the body, it is essential to have a sufficient quantity to make up for potential losses.

Marine collagen and skin beauty

The skin is made up of almost 80% collagen . It can be subjected to numerous external attacks such as pollution, temperature, prolonged exposure to the sun but also internal ones such as diet, stress, an imbalance of the intestinal microbiota .

Over time, the density and synthesis of collagen decreases . Scientific studies attest to the effect of collagen on increasing the production of hyaluronic acid as well as strengthening the skin barrier. This reinforcement helps keep the skin hydrated.

Marine collagen and anti-aging properties

Marine collagen, having effects on elasticity and hydration, contributes considerably to combating skin aging . Indeed, aging leads to a loss of elasticity, density and collagen synthesis. Regular intake therefore helps reduce the depth of wrinkles as well as strengthen the elasticity and density of the skin.

The constituents of collagen protect in particular from skin damage caused by exposure to UV-B.

Marine collagen and joint and muscle health

During aging, a reduction in muscle and bone function and mass occurs. This leads to greater fragility and ultimately to osteoporosis and sarcopenia.

Marine collagen acts like a cement block and therefore promotes bone formation, releasing specific molecules. In addition, supplementing with marine collagen allows for better calcium fixation in the bones.

Marine collagen also has benefits in increasing the rate of muscle protein synthesis and reducing the breakdown of these same proteins after sports practice.

Other effects are still being studied, such as the strengthening of hair tissue as well as the treatment of wounds and burns.

What are the dangers of marine collagen?

In the case of poor quality collagen, it is possible to experience some digestive discomfort. This is why we pay particular attention to the quality of our ingredients in order to promote good assimilation of the product and good effectiveness.

Besides these digestive disorders, there is no risk of overdose .

Even if a good supplementation of collagen or collagen precursors can promote protection against the appearance of cancer, it is important to remember that in the case of cancer already present, collagen can interact with cancer cells and activate their development.

Indications and dosage of marine collagen

Collagen production declines with age . It is therefore important to provide it to the body in order to promote good health of the skin, joints, bones and muscles.

To counter this loss of collagen, consuming foods rich in collagen , which are good for the skin, is a very effective solution. In addition, it is sometimes complicated to provide sufficient doses of collagen through food. This is why supplementation in the form of a food supplement to preserve the beauty of the skin based on marine collagen is strongly recommended.

For optimal effectiveness, it is essential to combine collagen with hyaluronic acid as well as vitamin C , a precursor of this protein.

Supplementation for an average of 3 months is necessary to improve the elasticity and hydration of the skin. The dosage is 2.5 to 10g of pure collagen per day . If it is included with other compounds, its dosage can be greatly reduced because these other compounds will stimulate its production and thus lead to a higher final dosage within the body.

NB: Cosmetic products based on collagen generally fail to reach the deeper layers of the skin and therefore have a transient and superficial effect. In the long term and for profound effects, oral supplementation is much more suitable.

Bring marine collagen to your body using DIJO

At DIJO, we have developed our Skin Focus , a true ally of skin beauty , to protect the skin from loss of collagen, elasticity and hydration. Prebiotics are the food for good bacteria, called probiotics , naturally present in our body. These good bacteria form our intestinal microbiota, this set of microorganisms which contributes to good digestive, immune, metabolic and brain health.

In addition, due to its optimal concentration of marine collagen , vitamin C ,hyaluronic acid , our Skin Focus is the ideal product for healthy and invigorated skin.

⚠️Before any supplementation and in the event of a pathology or specific situation (pregnant woman, elderly person, allergies) it is important to seek advice from your doctor.

Sources :

[1] Bolke, L., Schlippe, G., Gerß, J., & Voss, W. (2019). A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study. Nutrients, 11(10), 2494. 

[2] Pu, SY, Huang, YL, Pu, CM, Kang, YN, Hoang, KD, Chen, KH, & Chen, C. (2023). Effects of Oral Collagen for Skin Anti-Aging: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients, 15(9), 2080. 

[3] Wang H. (2021). A Review of the Effects of Collagen Treatment in Clinical Studies. Polymers, 13(22), 3868. 

[4] Roseti, L., Parisi, V., Petretta, M., Cavallo, C., Desando, G., Bartolotti, I., & Grigolo, B. (2017). Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: State of the art and new perspectives. Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications, 78, 1246–1262. 

[5] Asserin J, Lati E, Shioya T, Prawitt J. The effect of oral collagen peptide supplementation on skin moisture and the dermal collagen network: evidence from an ex vivo model and randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2015 Dec;14(4):291-301. doi:10.1111/jocd.12174. Epub 2015 Sep 12. PMID: 26362110.

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