Is coffee good for your health?
A bowl at breakfast, an espresso when arriving at the office, another at 10 a.m., then after the lunch break of course... At this rate, the coffees add up throughout the day. Is coffee good or bad for your health?
Managing your sugar intake
Too much sugar consumption is a source of imbalance in our intestinal microbiota and causes problems with skin, weight, stress, sleep... Far be it from us to eliminate sugar from our lives: treat ourselves while eating is precisely one of the keys to a good diet
Sprouted seeds with Chef Matsa
Sara from Matsa , vegan chef and germination expert will reveal her secrets to sprouted seeds.
How to choose the right chocolate?
Made from cocoa beans, chocolate has seduced everyone's hearts! Present on all occasions, is chocolate good for your health?
In recent years, when it comes to food, we no longer know where to turn. With the internet, magazines, television, social networks…
How to survive the excesses of the end-of-year holidays?
The end of year excesses are just around the corner and we intend to make the most of them! Long live the candied chestnuts, the Christmas log, the mountain of chocolate and so on…
Where to find natural probiotics in food?
If you're loyal to DIJO, you already know this... But probiotics are pretty strong. Little reminder for those who live in a cave.
How to strengthen your immune system naturally?
We explain how to strengthen your immune system naturally, to be stronger against viruses and regain energy and vitality.
At DIJO, we are convinced of the effectiveness of probiotics to guarantee strong health. If the diversity and quantity of bacteria in our different flora are essential factors, their effectiveness is also essential.
5 superfoods (little known) to boost your return to school
It's back to school! Whether you are back at the office or at university, you need to find the energy, motivation and concentration necessary to start the year in good conditions.
Our dietary advice for sleeping well
With winter approaching, the days getting shorter and shorter, we often feel more tired. However, the nights are sometimes restless and this is the start of the vicious circle.
How to eat well for breakfast?
Breakfast is the subject of a number of beliefs: eating sweet, eating salty, eating cereals, drinking orange juice... We sorted out the truth from the false with Cécile Pétureau , naturopath expert in digestive health, to help you to eat well at a good breakfast.
Is coffee good for your health?
A bowl at breakfast, an espresso when arriving at the office, another at 10 a.m., then after the lunch break of course... At this rate, the coffees add up throughout the day. Is coffee good or bad for your health?
Managing your sugar intake
Too much sugar consumption is a source of imbalance in our intestinal microbiota and causes problems with skin, weight, stress, sleep... Far be it from us to eliminate sugar from our lives: treat ourselves while eating is precisely one of the keys to a good diet
Les probiotiques sont des bactéries bénéfiques venant en renfort de nos propres bonnes bactéries intestinales, qui peuplent notre tube digestif et tout particulièrement notre côlon. Les probiotiques permettent ainsi de renforcer le microbiote intestinal et de lutter contre la disparition de certaines bactéries, essentielles et protectrices.