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Is coffee good for your health?

A bowl at breakfast, an espresso when arriving at the office, another at 10 a.m., then after the lunch break of course... At this rate, the coffees add up throughout the day. Is coffee good or bad for your health?

Why are we addicted to coffee?

There is the sweet and strong taste of course, the comforting side of the break which is often associated with it, and the effect of caffeine: by inhibiting adenosine, a substance with a sedative effect, coffee reduces drowsiness. and stimulates cognitive abilities. This boost begins 15 to 30 minutes after drinking coffee, and can last several hours depending on the speed of caffeine elimination which varies according to each person's metabolism.

Is coffee good for your health?

Thanks to the caffeine and antioxidants it contains, coffee has various benefits. Studies attest to its protective effects against type 2 diabetes, againstdepression , and against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases but up to a certain dose. There is in fact a tipping point from when coffee can prove to be bad for health.

Ideally, you should limit your coffee consumption to 1 to 3 coffees per day. Beyond that, you should expect sleep problems, anxiety, increased irritability, etc.

Be careful, this dose depends on each person:

  • For people who are easily stressed, coffee is not recommended because in these people the cortisol level is very high. This level is synonymous with irritability, chronic fatigue and caffeine will increase this level of cortisol which is already high. In addition, coffee increases the elimination of magnesium through the urine. Magnesium is one of the minerals that helps regulate stress levels.

  • For people who have a very marked acid-base imbalance , coffee is also not recommended because coffee is a great acidifier. It will therefore cause burning and heartburn in these sensitive people.

When is the ideal time to drink coffee?

The ideal is to drink it mid-morning:

  • At this time of the day, cortisol has dropped a little and if it really is a real pleasure, it is at this time that it will be the least harmful. The level of cortisol is already high in the morning because in addition to being a stress hormone it is the hormone of awakening so there is no need to raise it even more by consuming coffee.

  • It will also be less aggressive on the stomach than in the morning on an empty stomach.

  • Finally, it is preferable to consume it away from meals because it prevents the fixation of iron.

What are the alternatives to coffee?

Our alternatives to coffee

  • The Yannoh

Yannoh is a delicious caffeine-free drink, made from roasted cereals (barley and rye), with chicory and acorns. Because the beans are roasted at low temperatures, Yannoh has a very mild and aromatic taste. According to the precepts of macrobiotics, roasting strengthens the yang energy of cereals. The founding father of Lima, Georges Ohsawa, therefore formulated and named this product YAN-NOH, “yang drink”.

  • A herbal infusion

Our Mega Draining Infusion is a delicious, relaxing blend of 6 organic plants that promote the drainage of your body and help you better digest hearty meals. It thus promotes the elimination of waste and residues accumulated in the body.

  • Matcha tea

Matcha tea is a green tea grown in Japan. The leaves are not infused but rather finely ground into a very delicate powder. The tea leaf is entirely consumed, which provides a large quantity of antioxidants: 137x more than in brewed tea! Matcha is a green powder that forms when you grind young tea leaves. Matcha contains caffeine as well as L-theanine, an amino acid that relaxes the mind without causing drowsiness.

  • Chicory

Chicory is a natural drink produced from the roots of a plant of the same name. It does not contain caffeine but, on the other hand, a lot of fiber and mineral salts. His taste ? It is halfway between coffee and caramel… Chicory is also known to facilitate digestion and intestinal transit .

  • Mate

Used for a very long time in South America to combat mental and physical fatigue, its richness in trace elements and antioxidants makes it the national drink of Argentina. Be careful, its bitter, slightly grassy taste can be surprising.

  • Chai

It is a mixture of black tea and many spices such as cinnamon and cardamom or even cloves. Due to its refreshing and relaxing properties, it is considered the national drink of India. Serve with milk (vegetable or not), the creaminess of this drink will make your brain believe that you are drinking coffee!

  • Hot lemon water

A glass of warm lemon water is a simple way to help you feel alert and energized. The combination of lemon juice and water also aids digestion and promotes healthy skin .

  • Barley coffee

This crushed and roasted barley herbal tea, devoid of caffeine, is also called “orzo coffee” and is very popular in Italy. Depending on the infusion time, its taste varies from a toasted bread flavor to a strong coffee taste. ". It can be found in organic stores and in some Italian grocery stores.

  • Spelled coffee

This caffeine-free drink, made from a roasted and ground cereal, is characterized by its richness in amino acids, phosphorus and calcium. Flavor-wise, it’s similar to freeze-dried coffee.

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