Conseils alimentation pour bien dormir | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques

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Our dietary advice for sleeping well

With winter approaching, the days getting shorter and shorter, we often feel more tired. However, the nights are sometimes restless and this is the start of the vicious circle.

Bad night, fatigue, craving for sugar throughout the day, difficulty sleeping again... To sleep well, it is important to carefully choose what you put on your plate!

A story of neurotransmitters

The links between food and sleep, however, are much more complex than these notions of hunger and digestion.

Among the dozen existing neurotransmitters, dopamine, serotonin and melatonin have a direct influence on our biological clock, this small internal machinery at the heart of our brain which regulates our sleep-wake cycles. The relationship with our plate? These neurotransmitters are made from certain amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They also require the presence of “co-factors”: vitamins and minerals. The idea is to promote the secretion of the right neurotransmitters at the right time, from morning to evening, because the regulation of our internal clock occurs throughout the day.

In the morning, dopamine to start

A good sleep can be prepared in the morning! By consuming foods that are precursors of dopamine, we promote better quality of sleep. We focus on eggs, ham or cheese which will provide tyrosine.

In the afternoon, serotonin to relax

At the end of the afternoon, we calm the body by promoting the synthesis of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of relaxation and the precursor of melatonin. The perfect combo at the end of the afternoon: a banana and oilseeds. The first will provide carbohydrates and tryptophan, the second a little tryptophan but also omega-3 and magnesium, important for sleep.

In the evening, we rely on tryptophan and have a light dinner

At dinner, we favor foods containing tryptophan: fish, lettuce, whole grains, eggs, legumes, dairy products. Meat also contains it but takes a long time to digest so avoid it in the evening! When the dinner is copious, the digestion process is longer and can then interfere with sleep by causing a rise in temperature or digestive disorders such as heaviness in the stomach, reflux, intestinal fermentation, etc. It is therefore advisable to light dinner and at least 2 or 3 hours before bed.

What DIJO routine to go to bed with a light stomach?

To go to bed with a light stomach, it is important that our digestive system functions well. The digestive balance is nevertheless fragile, multiple causes can hinder the proper functioning of digestion and lead to an imbalance in the intestinal microbiota (bad eating habits, excess, insufficient chewing, chronic stress, etc.). In the digestion process, the intestine and the liver have an essential role. Our Detox pack combines the Liver Detox treatment and the L'Indispensable probiotics treatment, the perfect duo to say goodbye to waste and toxins accumulated in the body. Firstly, supporting the liver increases its resistance to excess toxins and waste to be dealt with and stimulates its detoxification functions. Secondly, probiotics contribute to the balance of the intestinal microbiota and promote intestinal and digestive well-being.

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