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Journal du ventre

Pour aller encore plus loin et mieux connaître votre corps

Le protocole pour préparer son ventre aux fêtes de fin d’année
The protocol for preparing your stomach for the end of year celebrations

The end of year celebrations, for many, mean joy, family, parties and gargantuan meals... But for others, it's more complicated!

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L'équilibre du microbiote : la nouvelle façon de maximiser ses performances sportives
Microbiota balance: the new way to maximize sports performance

Among athletes, we often look for the best methods and products to maximize our sporting performance. Between everyone's opinions, internet research and brand promotion, it is sometimes complicated to find your way around.

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Chouchouter son ventre en période d’excès
Pamper your belly in times of excess

Birthdays, end-of-year celebrations, weddings, small celebrations of life, or simply out of desire, overeating happens.

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CONSEILS POUR BIEN RESTER HYDRATÉ TOUT L’ÉTÉ | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques

The body is made up of more than 60% water. Per day, we eliminate at least 2 to 3L of water through sweating, urine and breathing.

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Comment rattraper les excès de la veille ? | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques
Eating excess: how to make up for it?

We tell you everything you should not do to make the situation worse after overeating and the good advice to make up for it.

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Les troubles digestifs en voyage | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques
Why does our stomach give out during a trip?

We all look forward to vacations, which often rhyme with travel, but for many, we dread the digestive disorders that are frequently associated with them.

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LES DO/DON'T POUR DIRE ADIEU AUX BALLONNEMENTS CET ÉTÉ | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques

Let's take a look at the DOs and DON'Ts to say goodbye to bloating...

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Préparer/entretenir sa peau grâce à la micronutrition et la phytothérapie
Prepare/maintain your skin using micronutrition and herbal medicine

Sunbathing is pleasant, but it can also be dangerous for the skin, which is fragile and which it is essential to preserve.

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Améliorer la qualité de son sommeil grâce à la (micro)nutrition
Improving the quality of your sleep thanks to (micro)nutrition

We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping... ideally! Because the time allocated to sleep and its quality are headache factors for a large number of us.

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Le microbiote intestinal influence la beauté de la peau | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques
Beauty in & out: the influence of the microbiota on skin quality

When it comes to beauty, we camouflage, we blur, we only treat, when in reality, we should be interested in the source of the problem.

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DÉTOX : EFFET DE MODE OU RÉELS BÉNÉFICES ? | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques
How to do a real detox? Real effects

Do you want to do a real detox but you don't know how to go about it or where to start? We tell you everything, follow the guide!

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Faire face à l'hiver | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques

That's it, it's official... It's winter. If you were wondering why you have more of an appetite, why gloom has set in and why concentration is not available at work, there is only one culprit: the onset of winter.

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Astuces pour lutter contre la fatigue ⎜DIJO Paris
10 real tips to fight fatigue

Do you feel unusual fatigue? It is important to remedy this by identifying the cause(s): here are our tips for effectively combating fatigue.

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Apaiser son stress chronique par des traitements naturels ⎜DIJO Paris
Soothe your chronic stress with natural treatments

Family problems or exams, certain situations can generate chronic stress. Discover natural treatments to overcome it.

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7 plantes pour nettoyer son foie - DIJO
7 plants to cleanse your liver

Discover the 7 essential plants to deeply cleanse your liver, such as desmodium or milk thistle. We tell you everything!

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5 Recettes Anti-ballonnement et Anti-constipation - DIJO
5 easy anti-bloating and anti-constipation recipes

Are you looking for recipe ideas to take care of your digestion and optimize your treatments? Here are 5 easy anti-bloating and anti-constipation recipes.

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Symbiotiques combinaison améliorer bien-être ⎜ DIJO
Symbiotics: How can these combinations of probiotics and prebiotics improve your well-being?

How can a combination of probiotics and prebiotics improve your well-being? We tell you everything about synbiotics and their many health benefits.

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Comment soigner et réveiller un intestin paresseux ?
How to treat and wake up a sluggish intestine?

1 in 2 people will experience at least once in their life an episode of intestinal laziness or constipation . And to prevent the problem from taking hold, we tell you everything about the causes, symptoms and possible treatments.

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10 aliments pour restaurer sa flore intestinale | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques
10 foods to restore your intestinal flora

You will see that the balance of the intestinal flora requires above all a good diet. When it is weakened, consuming the right products will allow you to easily restore it. Follow the guide, we tell you everything!

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Lutter contre la déprime hivernale, c’est possible !
Fighting winter blues is possible!

Winter is coming, and for many people, it's a dreaded time. The transition from autumn to winter, temperatures which are seriously starting to drop, nightfall which is falling earlier and earlier...

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Le protocole pour préparer son ventre aux fêtes de fin d’année
The protocol for preparing your stomach for the end of year celebrations

The end of year celebrations, for many, mean joy, family, parties and gargantuan meals... But for others, it's more complicated!

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L'équilibre du microbiote : la nouvelle façon de maximiser ses performances sportives
Microbiota balance: the new way to maximize sports performance

Among athletes, we often look for the best methods and products to maximize our sporting performance. Between everyone's opinions, internet research and brand promotion, it is sometimes complicated to find your way around.

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Les probiotiques sont des bactéries bénéfiques venant en renfort de nos propres bonnes bactéries intestinales, qui peuplent notre tube digestif et tout particulièrement notre côlon. Les probiotiques permettent ainsi de renforcer le microbiote intestinal et de lutter contre la disparition de certaines bactéries, essentielles et protectrices.
