Lutter contre la déprime hivernale, c’est possible !

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Fighting winter blues is possible!

Winter is coming, and for many people, it's a dreaded time. The transition from autumn to winter, temperatures which are seriously starting to drop, nightfall which is falling earlier and earlier...

All these factors are a sign of a drop in morale among a large part of the population since in France, it is estimated that one in 3 people are affected by the winter blues, and that one in 10 people is affected by depression. seasonal, a more serious form. Let's try to understand this phenomenon more clearly and find solutions.

How does winter blues manifest?

Some of the main symptoms of winter blues include:

  • Chronic fatigue: it becomes more and more complicated to get up in the morning, even if you sleep all night, and to stay in shape all day. It’s a symptom that slows you down on a daily basis.
  • Laziness: it goes hand in hand with fatigue, and leads, among other things, to procrastination, overwork, etc.
  • Behavioral symptoms: gloom, melancholy, sadness, irritability… These are all states linked to winter depression.
  • Insomnia: it further accentuates chronic fatigue.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Reduced libido.

Most people accumulate symptoms, so it is important to identify the transition to this state of blues early enough, because if we allow the symptoms and the consequences they have on our life to worsen, we can be subject to the overwork, burn-out, etc.

What are the causes ?

According to the latest studies, the reduction in sunshine is the primary cause of winter depression. According to researchers at the National Institutes of Health, because light blocks the secretion of the sleep hormone, it also promotes the secretion of serotonin, an anti-depressant hormone. The decrease in light during the day therefore causes an increase in melatonin, a decrease in serotonin, responsible for chronic fatigue and this constant state of gloom.

As a result, the many other symptoms mentioned above are added.

Some anti-winter blues tips!

#1 – Maintain a healthy lifestyle

The more we procrastinate, the more we get caught up in laziness, the more we accentuate this feeling of overload which slows us down and causes a decline in our healthy lifestyle.

The important thing is to maintain a certain consistency in the investment and balance that we put into our diet from the fall, to maintain these efforts in winter.

To do this, we preserve the variety and balance of our plate, while having fun, because winter is also the time to treat yourself to rich, friendly and comforting dishes!

#2 – Don’t skimp on vitamin D!

With the lack of light, the body is often deficient in vitamin D, usually synthesized by the body under the influence of UV rays. This deficiency contributes greatly to the symptoms of winter depression, so we do not hesitate to consume eggs, fish such as salmon, bluefin tuna, herring, trout, but also cow's milk, soy, rice, etc. These are the foods richest in vitamin D.

#3 – Don’t forget physical activity

The less we move, the less we want to move. In winter, it is therefore essential to maintain a certain level of physical activity. Even if it's just a few tens of minutes of walking per day, to carry out daily activities, it's enough to detoxify the body, reduce stress and feel better about yourself. In addition, taking advantage of the little light during the day promotes the secretion of serotonin.

#4 – Put pleasure first!

Whether through activities, food or something else, winter is also the time to treat yourself. It is essential to have these moments of comfort during this period which puts our body to the test due to the weather, external aggressions, etc.

At DIJO, we have the solution for those winter evenings whose day has been complicated: the mega-draining Infusion . Enjoy a moment of relaxation, thanks to this herbal infusion with detoxifying and draining properties. Its 6 ingredients act in synergy to detoxify your body while making you happy!


[1] Our advice against the winter blues. 2017. Gilbert Laboratories .,au%20long%20de%20winter .

[2] Ciqual. 2022.

[3] Bowling away the winter blues. (2015). The Veterinary record , 176 (7), 165.

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