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Eating excess: how to make up for it?

We tell you everything you should not do to make the situation worse after overeating and the good advice to make up for it.

Things not to do after overeating

A drunken evening, burger/fries, tacos, cake... After treating yourself, you think you have the right reflexes to “compensate” for the excesses of the day before. But what is it really? Let's focus on the things to avoid at all costs.

1 - Feel guilty after overindulging

Did you have a good time? Did you enjoy the food and drinks? That's all you need to remember! Feeling guilty is of no use, other than spoiling the pleasure of this memory. So we take a step back and put things into perspective. Remember that a balanced diet is achieved over an entire week and not over a day and even less over a meal. Everyone has the right to treat themselves from time to time, so let's de-stress!

2 – Skip a meal to compensate for excess food from the day before

Often after an excess, we may have the reflex to skip a meal to compensate for the excess food the day before. But it's a mistake! Excess or not, if the feeling of hunger is present it is because the body expects to receive energy. By skipping a meal, you will only succeed in frustrating yourself and eating much more than necessary the next meal, which would be counterproductive. Be careful, it is essential to listen to your body. In other words, if the feeling of hunger is not there, we do not force ourselves to eat either. Trust your body, it knows what it needs.

3 – Forgetting to hydrate after overeating

Water is a precious ally after overeating and even more so after drinking alcohol. It will allow you to eliminate toxins and waste from your body, in particular by helping the liver to detoxify . In addition to water, you can turn to diuretic drinks such as broths, soups, vegetable juices, infusions, green tea, lemon juice, etc. All promote digestion and the elimination of toxins.

4 – Staying on your couch after eating too much

The best thing after overeating is to balance the “Energy intake/Energy expenditure” balance. Any activity, whether it is a digestive walk or a yoga session, will be beneficial. On the other hand, for the more courageous who would like to go for a run or a weight training session, we will pay even more attention to our hydration because the alcohol from the day before will have already greatly dehydrated the body.

Be careful though, it is not recommended to exert yourself directly after a meal, as this can cause nausea and bloating. It is better to wait at least an hour and a half, or even two hours, after the meal before exercising.

5 – Succumb to your cravings

Often, after an excess of fat or sugar, our body asks for more, because they are palatable foods, that is to say they activate the reward circuit in the brain. The best way to not succumb to these cravings is not to resist them too much but to simply put them off until later. In fact, a recent study showed that if snacking cravings are postponed long enough, you will eventually stop craving them.

To put it simply, if you want a sweet treat, postpone it by telling yourself that you will get it after you have finished your current task. Spend this time, your brain will have moved on to something else and you will have forgotten this craving!

6 – Saying “fucked for fucked up” after overeating

This expression often resonates in our heads after an excess. Whereas focusing on a balanced meal the next day is by far the best solution to feeling good in your body and in your mind!

The keys to feeling good after overeating

1 - Hydrate well to cleanse the body after excess 💧

Throughout the day, make sure to drink enough to drain your body, avoiding carbonated and/or sugary drinks which cause bloating.

2 - Take food supplements after overeating 💊

In case of excess food , or laborious digestion, we recommend digestion food supplements like our Easy digestion . This combination of 5 compounds selected for their beneficial effects on digestive comfort will allow you to digest certain foods more easily, reduce bloating and digestive heaviness, as well as post-prandial fatigue.

3 - Get moving to eliminate excess food 🚴🏼

This is the most difficult solution to implement after excess, but undoubtedly the one that will give you the most satisfaction! This can simply be walking in the fresh air, or going for a run, but also a few laps in the swimming pool, or even a yoga session.

4 - Eat healthily 🍌

If you have an irrepressible craving for sugar that won't go away, then turn to natural sugars like fruit which, thanks to its fiber, will fill you up until the next meal. Also focus on a balanced meal easy to digest. We decorate our plate half with vegetables, because they are alkalizing and will buffer the acidity generated by excesses, especially alcohol. As for starchy foods, potatoes also have a strong alkalizing power. Regarding proteins, prefer fish or white meat, more digestible than red meats.


[1] Kenefick RW, Cheuvront SN. Hydration for recreational sport and physical activity. Nutr Rev. 2012 Nov;70 Suppl 2:S137-42. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2012.00523.x. PMID: 23121349.

[2] Mead NL, Patrick VM. The taming of desire: Unspecific postponement reduces desire for and consumption of postponed temptations. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2016 Jan;110(1):20-35. doi:10.1037/a0039946. PMID: 26727664.

[3] Irwin C, Leveritt M, Shum D, Desbrow B. The effects of dehydration, moderate alcohol consumption, and rehydration on cognitive functions. Alcohol. 2013 May;47(3):203-13. doi: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2012.12.016. Epub 2013 Jan 23. PMID: 23352231.

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