Prébiotiques régulation poids maigrir ⎜ DIJO

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Prebiotics, your allies to regulate your weight

It is scientifically proven that the microbiota of overweight or obese people is different from that of thinner people. Come and discover the influence of a fiber deficiency on weight gain and how to optimize weight loss using prebiotics.

It is scientifically proven that the microbiota of overweight or obese people is different from that of thinner people. An imbalance in the intestinal microbiota is observed in overweight and obese people with a lower concentration and diversity of bacteria. The discovery of the bacteria making up our intestinal flora has opened up new avenues for weight management.

Link between fiber deficiency and weight gain

Our new lifestyles such as processed food, stress and pollution prevent our good bacteria from developing properly. In addition to these daily alterations, it has been noted that they are no longer sufficiently nourished through our diet. All this constitutes the winning combo for an unbalanced stomach and the inconveniences that accompany it. Which can have an undeniable impact on weight gain . Recent studies have shown that an imbalance in the microbiota can lead to an increase in the production of certain hormones that promote weight gain, such as insulin, as well as a decrease in the production of hormones that regulate appetite. , such as ghrelin and leptin.

Additionally, there is strong evidence showing that insufficient consumption of dietary fiber is associated with an increased risk of weight gain and obesity. This is because foods high in fiber tend to have a lower energy density, meaning they contain fewer calories per serving, which can help limit total calorie intake and manage its intake. weight. Fiber can also help reduce the absorption of fat and sugar in the gut, which is essential for maintaining a healthy weight.

We don't eat enough fiber!

The good bacteria that make up our intestinal microbiota are essential to keep us healthy. But we often forget that feeding these good bacteria with fiber is just as important. This is why we now recommend 30 to 40 g of fiber per day. In France, we eat on average 17.5 g of fiber/day* for adults. Only 13% of adults reach the recommended minimum threshold of 25 g/day.

But what exactly are dietary fibers? Dietary fiber is one of the five categories of prebiotics. They help nourish the good bacteria colonizing our intestines. By feeding on these prebiotics, the bacteria ensure their fermentation and in return produce small molecules similar to natural medicines essential to our health. In addition, bacteria that are well “fed” thanks to these prebiotics will develop and persist in our intestines. Dietary fiber is naturally present in certain foods such as fruits and vegetables, oilseeds, whole grains and legumes. An insufficient portion of these fibers in our diet can increase digestive problems. It is therefore important to ensure that you consume enough of it daily.

Optimize weight loss with prebiotics and micronutrition

Taking food supplements containing prebiotics, including fiber, will help optimize their intake to our body but should only be done in conjunction with dietary measures. These prebiotics will help rebalance the microbiota by feeding the “good” bacteria. They will thus be able to develop and be healthy. But it is also important to rely on active ingredients known to boost our metabolism, burn fat and promote weight loss . This is where Guarana, Gymnema and Chromium come into play .

  • Guarana , rich in caffeine, is a physical stimulant which will boost your basic metabolism, in other words, your energy expenditure at rest and regulate your satiety.
  • Chromium helps regulate blood glucose levels and could regulate food cravings. Some studies also suggest that chromium may improve body composition by increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat.
  • Gymnema would reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine. This plant also acts on the liver to reduce glucose production and therefore blood sugar levels.

We often say it at DIJO : there is no magic capsule. The key to good weight management remains the following duo: quality weight food supplements and a lifestyle adapted to your stomach. And yes, each stomach is unique, what works for one will not necessarily work for another. But it's often easier said than done, so don't hesitate to seek support from a dietitian to help you achieve your goals. This is why we offer dietary consultations allowing you to do a complete check-up of your stomach and your diet!

*Public health France. Health study on environment, biomonitoring, physical activity and nutrition (Esteban) 2014-2016. Nutrition aspect. Food consumption chapter. 2018. Available on: < >.

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