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Conseils syndrome de l'intestin irritable avec DIJO
Understanding and treating irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or functional colopathy , is a common disorder, considered an illness, which results in abdominal pain, bloating, transit disorders and flatulence.

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Conseils probiotiques DIJO pendant la grossesse
Pregnant stomach pain, our tips to relieve you

Are you looking for natural solutions against pregnant stomach pain? We tell you everything about the causes and tips to relieve yourself.

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Cure détox avec DIJO
How to do a detox?

We had already had the right to “pretox” before the holidays, and since January 1st the word “detox” has been everywhere! We untangle the truth from the falsehood of this concept with Cécile Pétureau , a naturopath specializing in digestive health.

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Liens entre microbiote et endométriose DIJO
Digestive endometriosis: link with the microbiota

Do you suffer from digestive endometriosis and want to know if there is a link with the state of your microbiota? You are in the right place !

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Chouchouter ses intestins avec DIJO

Cécile Pétureau , naturopath specializing in digestive health, gives us her advice for pampering your intestines .

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Café et bien être DIJO
Is coffee good for your health?

A bowl at breakfast, an espresso when arriving at the office, another at 10 a.m., then after the lunch break of course... At this rate, the coffees add up throughout the day. Is coffee good or bad for your health?

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Conseils déséquilibre du microbiote intestinal et dysbiose DIJO
7 signs of an unbalanced microbiota

If your microbiota is sick, you will be too! Because everything passes through the stomach, it is the very origin of our well-being. The signs and symptoms of an unbalanced microbiota vary between people, their lifestyle and their genetic predispositions.

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Réduire sa consommation de sucre avec DIJO
Managing your sugar intake

Too much sugar consumption is a source of imbalance in our intestinal microbiota and causes problems with skin, weight, stress, sleep... Far be it from us to eliminate sugar from our lives: treat ourselves while eating is precisely one of the keys to a good diet

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Graines germées Matsa
Sprouted seeds with Chef Matsa

Sara from Matsa , vegan chef and germination expert will reveal her secrets to sprouted seeds.

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Enfant atteint de TSA déséquilibre du microbiote DIJO
The impact of the microbiota on autism spectrum disorders

As a Healthy Lifestyle and Naturopathy Practitioner specializing in ASD, the first step in my support lies in rebalancing the intestinal sphere. Article written by Marion Garrido - Lifestyle and Naturopathy Practitioner specializing in ASD

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Les probiotiques sont des bactéries bénéfiques venant en renfort de nos propres bonnes bactéries intestinales, qui peuplent notre tube digestif et tout particulièrement notre côlon. Les probiotiques permettent ainsi de renforcer le microbiote intestinal et de lutter contre la disparition de certaines bactéries, essentielles et protectrices.
