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Choline : Bienfaits hépato-protecteurs et santé cardiovasculaire
Choline: Hepatoprotective benefits and cardiovascular health

Discover choline, an essential nutrient promoting optimal lipid metabolism, with hepato-protective and cardio-protective properties.

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Lactobacillus | DIJO Paris
Lactobacillus: benefits, digestion and dosage

A set of bacteria essential to the functioning of the intestinal microbiota, lactobacillus and its virtues will no longer hold any secrets for you.

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Alpha-galactosidase enzyme digestive | DIJO Paris
Alpha-galactosidase: the enzyme with digestive benefits

Alpha-galactosidase facilitates the digestion of carbohydrates and contains valuable benefits. Come learn more about this unique enzyme.

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Les probiotiques sont des bactéries bénéfiques venant en renfort de nos propres bonnes bactéries intestinales, qui peuplent notre tube digestif et tout particulièrement notre côlon. Les probiotiques permettent ainsi de renforcer le microbiote intestinal et de lutter contre la disparition de certaines bactéries, essentielles et protectrices.
