Sprouted seeds with Chef Matsa
Sara from Matsa , vegan chef and germination expert will reveal her secrets to sprouted seeds.
The impact of the microbiota on autism spectrum disorders
As a Healthy Lifestyle and Naturopathy Practitioner specializing in ASD, the first step in my support lies in rebalancing the intestinal sphere. Article written by Marion Garrido - Lifestyle and Naturopathy Practitioner specializing in ASD
Intestinal microbiota: what is it? What's the point ?
The intestinal microbiota, an ecosystem essential to maintaining our health, digestive and immune functions. Discover all its secrets.
How to choose the right chocolate?
Made from cocoa beans, chocolate has seduced everyone's hearts! Present on all occasions, is chocolate good for your health?
Les probiotiques sont des bactéries bénéfiques venant en renfort de nos propres bonnes bactéries intestinales, qui peuplent notre tube digestif et tout particulièrement notre côlon. Les probiotiques permettent ainsi de renforcer le microbiote intestinal et de lutter contre la disparition de certaines bactéries, essentielles et protectrices.