Rétention d'eau : 8 conseils pour y remédier

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Water retention: 8 tips to fix it

Heavy legs, swollen stomach, poor circulation... Discover our tips to combat water retention and regain a feeling of lightness!

The human body is made up of more than 60% water which circulates continuously in the blood and lymph before being evacuated by the renal system. Water is life. But if water struggles to escape, it can accumulate in the tissues and become trapped between cells and cause swelling.

What is water retention?

This phenomenon called water retention is quite common, especially among women. Fluid retention refers to the accumulation of fluid in the space between cells when the body absorbs more water (hydration and water from food) than it eliminates (urine and sweat). This can lead to swelling of the stomach, lower limbs, painful cellulite and a feeling of heaviness. However, water retention does not necessarily imply body fat gain.

But how to explain it? When blood circulation weakens, the pressure in the capillaries increases, which increases permeability. This dilation creates excessive accumulation of fluid between the tissues and leads to the formation of edema in the tissues.

Our 8 tips to eliminate water retention

First of all, it is important to determine what is causing this water retention. It is therefore necessary to consult a doctor quickly in order to avoid any risk of potentially serious illness. However, it is possible to implement good lifestyle habits in order to limit the symptoms.

#1 – Practice regular physical activity

To deflate quickly, you should avoid sitting or lying down all day as this promotes water retention. Certain sports promote blood circulation while facilitating perspiration: ideal for combating water retention. Among these sports you find yoga, pilates, running and water sports. Bonus point if you practice your sport in cold water because this improves venous return by boosting blood and lymphatic circulation.

#2 – Drink more water

It seems contradictory, but dehydration is one of the main causes of water retention. Maintaining good hydration encourages your body to eliminate excess water stored in the tissues, helping to reduce swelling. And for even more effectiveness and better taste, you can opt for a plant infusion with draining properties. No more bloating and that feeling of heavy legs!

#3 – Focus on plants with diuretic and draining properties

Certain medicinal plants are recognized for their diuretic and draining properties. Among the anti-water retention plants, we find:

  • Dandelion : thanks to its purifying properties, it fights against water retention and cellulite by promoting the elimination of water and toxins.
  • Pilosella : its powerful diuretic power stimulates the elimination of water and toxins by the kidneys
  • Nettle : recognized for its purifying and remineralizing properties, its leaves effectively fight against water retention by promoting blood circulation.
  • Ginger : its richness in minerals and enzymes reduces the sodium load and naturally releases excess water.

#4 – Eat fewer carbs

Eating too many simple carbohydrates causes an insulin spike, which in turn is linked to the reabsorption of water and sodium by the kidneys. Indeed, carbohydrates such as bread, white rice, pasta and obviously sugar have the capacity to retain water. So to get rid of this feeling of heavy legs, a swollen stomach and painful cellulite, it is important to reduce your carbohydrate consumption.

#5 – Reduce your salt intake

Salt can be a real enemy. Excessive salt intake can lead to water retention, which makes your stomach feel bloated and bloats. Sodium is an essential mineral that retains water in the body, so the first instinct when dealing with water retention would be to reduce the amount of salt in your diet. Moreover, the WHO recommends limiting our salt consumption to 5 grams per day, or one teaspoon. To limit this, try reducing your salt intake by avoiding processed foods and cooking at home with herbs and spices to enhance the taste.

#6 – Increase your potassium intake

A diet too rich in salt and meat can cause potassium deficiencies and promote water retention. Potassium is a mineral known to effectively relieve bloating, a swollen stomach and transit disorders. Indeed, it maintains a good electrolyte balance and regulates the acid-base balance . In order to deflate your belly during menopause, you can focus on these foods rich in potassium: lentils (810 mg per 100g), dried dates (790 mg per 100g), prunes (732 mg per 100g), almonds ( 705 mg per 100g), spinach (662 mg per 100g), avocado (650 mg per 100g), chestnuts (600 mg per 100g), mushrooms (520 mg per 100g), walnuts (450 mg per 100g ), apricots (440 mg per 100g).

#7 – Perform lymphatic drainage

A massage cannot be refused! Water retention can be the cause of poor lymphatic circulation. To relieve it, there is a method of mechanical lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage is a massage which consists of stimulating the circulation of lymph, a colorless liquid which circulates in the lymphatic vessels. The objective of this massage is to promote the evacuation of excess liquids. It is therefore very effective in cases of water retention and feeling of heavy legs.

#8 – Wear support stockings

If your water retention is of venous origin then there is a slightly less aesthetic solution: compression stockings. Very effective, they could well become your best allies! By compressing the legs, they reactivate blood circulation in order to limit edema.

What natural food supplements to combat water retention and promote drainage? 

At DIJO, we are committed to supporting you in your well-being care routines. This is why we have developed a range of natural food supplements to meet your specific needs. To combat water retention or simply to do a good natural detox , the Draining pack is your best ally.

It combines 3 products including:

  • the Detox Potion , a cocktail of plants which act in synergy ( Dandelion , Linden Sapwood, Black Radish, Wild Pansy and Pilosella ) to support the elimination functions orchestrated by the emunctory organs, for a detoxified organism and glowing skin.
  • The mega draining infusion , a tasty relaxing blend of 6 organic plants with diuretic and depurative properties, including nettle, spirulina and ginger for optimal drainage of your body.
  • And our essential probiotics which repopulate the intestines with good bacteria for a balanced intestinal microbiota.

Sources :

[1] Cadnapaphornchai, MA, Gurevich, AK, Weinberger, HD, & Schrier, RW (2001). Pathophysiology of sodium and water retention in heart failure. Cardiology , 96 (3-4), 122-131.

[2] Michael Felker, G. (2010). Diuretic management in heart failure. Congestive Heart Failure , 16 , S68-S72.

[3] Wang, L., Gao, J., Li, L., Huang, J., Yang, Y., Xu, Y., ... & Liu, Y. (2021). Characterization and Biological Activities of Polysaccharides from Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Leaves. Starch-Starke , 73 (3-4), 2000051.

[4] Upadhyay, S., Shrivastava, S., Kumar, D., Chaturvedi, S., Singh, SP, & Khinchi, MP (2017). A Review on Water Retention. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development , 1-9.

[5] Gallen, IW, Rosa, RM, Esparaz, DY, Young, JB, Robertson, GL, Batlle, D., ... & Landsberg, L. (1998). On the mechanism of the effects of potassium restriction on blood pressure and renal sodium retention. American journal of kidney diseases , 31 (1), 19-27.
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