Routines bien-être ⎜DIJO Paris

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Top 3 of the best daily and easy well-being routines

Promoting physical and mental well-being means adopting lifestyle habits adapted to your daily life. Here are our 3 best wellness routines.

The feeling of well-being corresponds to an emotional state in which physical and psychological needs are satisfied. To do this, we must work on several aspects: diet, skin care and beauty, social environment, mental health.

What you must remember :

  • For overall well-being, the lifestyle must be adapted and balanced.
  • Sufficient hydration and a balanced and diversified diet are the keys to a good well-being routine.
  • Using products adapted to your needs and respectful of the skin and the environment is essential.
  • Taking care of your mental health is just as essential.

Here are our best tips for adopting a well-being routine in a sustainable way.

Why and how to adopt a daily well-being routine?

Why should you adopt a good wellness routine?

Adopting a general routine means, above all, establishing lifestyle habits that regulate the environment in which we live in a beneficial way. Indeed, our living environments can sometimes be stressful and unbalanced. The implementation of new habits can therefore be motivated by several aspects:

  • The need to define a regular rhythm in order to separate personal and professional environments
  • The need to take time for yourself for optimal physical and mental well-being
  • The desire to release tensions that can build up and lead, for some, to general body fatigue
  • The need to adopt good lifestyle habits to regulate a particular medical problem

How to set up a new well-being routine?

In order to implement new lifestyle habits, you must identify the means that will make this routine easy and sustainable . First, it is necessary to identify the motivation factors discussed previously. After having found the origin of the motivation for this change, you must prioritize the elements that you wish to modify in your lifestyle (diet, care, mental well-being, etc.). Then gradually, new habits can be integrated.

Our little advice : avoid imposing too many injunctions on yourself at once. Target your needs to prioritize habits to integrate into your daily life. Likewise, you should avoid feeling guilty if you forget a new step in your well-being routine. Indeed, small occasional deviations will not compromise your routine or cancel its benefits.

Let's take the example of food, many people want to rebalance it, however it takes time and you have to know how to accept to indulge yourself and avoid getting into a drastic lifestyle pattern.

Our advice for an ideal daily well-being routine

#1 – Hydration, the pillar of good health

The body is composed on average of 65% water . It uses this water in particular for the basic physiological functions of the body while modulating consumption according to temperature and daily activities. It is recommended to provide at least 2.5 L of water to the body per day, including 1 L from food and 1.5 L from drinking water .

The foods richest in water are, unsurprisingly, fruits and vegetables . It is recommended to consume 5 per day (2 fruits and 3 vegetables). In addition, they provide numerous micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), fuel for our body and our vital functions.

Hydration also goes through the skin . Using a treatment cream suited to your skin type is essential to slow aging and maintain skin firmness.

Apply your cream all over your body after showering for healthy skin.

For the face, the use of a suitable cream is strongly recommended as well as sunscreen all year round to slow down the aging of the skin. Indeed, even in winter, the sun can come out and impact our skin. This is why UV protection must be done throughout the year.

#2 – Choosing the right products

Cream, serum, lotion, cleanser, it is not uncommon to get lost among all these products. This is why we recommend that you seek advice from in-store specialists to adapt the products to your needs and your skin.

In addition, the choice of products is important because depending on the composition, the effects will not be the same. Likewise, it is always interesting to promote treatments from local French production that respects the environment and favors short circuits .

The new products which are also attracting more and more people are those from nutricosmetics . These products in the form of food supplements will act on different external aspects of the body (skin, hair, nails). Indeed, depending on the compositions, they will have a specific action on a problem.

Nutricosmetics is therefore based on the principle that preserving external beauty requires above all taking care of its “inside”.

Our beauty prebiotics have also been designed for this purpose: to provide your body with flavonoids with prebiotic effects , essential for the development of good bacteria in the intestinal microbiota , called probiotics , while adding essential ingredients for maintaining healthy beautiful skin. Our product is therefore composed of compounds with prebiotic effects, marine collagen and hyaluronic acid , a true ally of collagen as well as vitamin C , an essential precursor to the production of collagen for the maintenance of firm and elastic skin. Additionally, it contains grape seed extract which helps fight oxidative damage in the body to improve skin health.

#3 – Appeasement through body and mind

In the medical field, it is common to hear that mental health greatly influences the physical health of the body. Indeed, the brain is the regulatory center of the body. It allows different systems to be optimally maintained (cardiac, hormonal, digestive, immune, etc.). For many years, scientific studies have agreed that mental health and therefore the psychological and psychiatric state of a person strongly affects the body as a whole (inside and outside).

It is therefore possible to ease your tensions and negative thoughts thanks to different exercises to implement throughout your weeks:

  • When you wake up : take a few minutes to stretch and get your body moving to start the day off on the right foot
  • In the morning or during the day: practice a sport (one that you like and that you can exercise) 2 to 3 times a week to release tension and exercise.
  • During the week: carry out, if you wish, a session of yoga, sophrology , meditation , or many others in order to relax your body and your head while working on your breathing and carrying out positive visualization
  • During the week, or in the evening at the frequency you wish: carry out a deeper stretching session to soften the body
  • During the week when you feel the need: give yourself moments just for you to congratulate yourself, encourage yourself and speak positive phrases and thoughts to yourself.

Our little extra tip : integrate a course of probiotics into your well-being routine . Rebalancing your microbiota also means supporting your digestive and immune systems and facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.

In summary, a well-being routine is above all the choice of new lifestyle habits adapted to your needs, desires and availability . The main thing is to understand what makes you feel good, keeps you healthy while making you happy.

Don't try to adopt the complete perfect routine from the start, it happens gradually. In addition, these habits must also be a pleasure so that your well-being routine is sustainable.

Sources :

[1] CNRS, water in the body, consulted from 

[2] Pappas, A., Liakou, A., & Zouboulis, CC (2016). Nutrition and skin. Reviews in endocrine & metabolic disorders, 17(3), 443–448.

[3] Dini, I., & Laneri, S. (2021). The New Challenge of Green Cosmetics: Natural Food Ingredients for Cosmetic Formulations. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 26(13), 3921. 

[4] Kandola, A., Ashdown-Franks, G., Hendrikse, J., Sabiston, C.M., & Stubbs, B. (2019). Physical activity and depression: Towards understanding the antidepressant mechanisms of physical activity. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 107, 525–539. 

[5] Lurz, J., & Ladwig, K. H. (2022). Mind and body interventions in cardiology: The importance of the brain-heart connection. Mind-Body-Interventionen in der Kardiologie: Bedeutung der Hirn-Herz-Achse. Herz, 47(2), 103–109.

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