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The 10 best detox foods to do good

Discover the best detoxifying foods to start a detox cure and get rid of toxic substances that can accumulate in your body.

The aim of the detox diet is to rid the body of accumulated toxins. Indeed, although we may have a lifestyle that we consider relatively healthy, the body will always be subject to toxins.

What is a detox cure?

A detox cure aims to rid the body of toxins, by adopting a particular diet, favoring detox foods for a period, that is to say those which have the power to detoxify the body. This treatment will help support the emunctory organs in their purification functions.

Why do a detox treatment?

It sometimes happens that the organs responsible for eliminating waste from the body no longer function properly, a bit like the engine of a car that is so clogged that it needs an emergency service! Pollution, alcohol, tobacco, medications, stress and poor diet are responsible for too much accumulation of toxins. By cleansing the body using detox foods, we reset the counters and the emunctory organs such as the liver, kidneys and intestines then become more efficient .

The top 10 detox foods 

DIJO has created detox food supplements , the Detox Potion and the Liver Detox , to help you during your detox phases. But there are also dietary tips to stimulate the emunctory organs, those responsible for getting rid of toxic substances that accumulate, and thus facilitate their functioning. So in addition to the basic detox advice, such as practicing a sporting activity, avoiding products that clog the liver (alcohol, cold meats, sugar, salt, additives) and taking probiotics to facilitate the work of excretion of waste, we present to you 10 foods which have this detoxifying power!

1 - Garlic, detox and stimulating food

Garlic has the ability to activate and stimulate enzymes intended for the elimination of toxins. Its composition is also rich in selenium and allicin: these two nutrients stimulate the detoxifying functions of the liver. A natural antibiotic, it also helps treat diseased livers.

2 - Grapefruit, detox and regenerating food

Grapefruit is also an ally for the liver . It also allows this action of regenerating damage already present. This is made possible thanks to its naringin content, a flavonoid which helps burn fat stored in the liver, whose functions can be severely affected by too high a concentration of fat cells. In addition, this fruit also boosts detoxification enzymes.

3 - Lemon juice, detox and cleansing food

Perhaps the most well-known detox tip, but if so, it's probably because it's effective. Lemon juice diluted in lukewarm water in the morning helps detoxify the body and cleanse the liver. The reason ? This good habit would have the effect of stimulating the production of bile, which would improve digestion at the same time. Be careful though, this is a behavior to adopt during treatment, it is better not to exceed 21 days of treatment.

4 - Black radish, detox and draining food

Less known, but recognized tip, the consumption of black radish. This food is an excellent liver drainer, so much so that it also exists in the form of a food supplement. To cook, it comes in all its forms: raw, grated, in strips, cooked, as an accompaniment... It is also present in our DIJO Detox Potion.

5 - Beetroot, detox and antioxidant food

Beetroot contains two compounds favorable to maintaining a healthy liver:

  • Methionine: an antioxidant promoting the elimination of toxins
  • Betanin : a natural pigment which partly gives beetroot its purplish color. It desaturates liver fat, thanks to better assimilation/elimination of fatty acids.

6 - Cabbage, a powerful detox food

Cabbage contains glucosinolate, a sulfur element allowing the release of these famous enzymes essential for the elimination of toxins. Cruciferous vegetables in general are good detox allies, because they contain a lot of antioxidants. To fully benefit from it, prefer al dente cooking.

7 - Leek, detox food and diuretic

Its richness in potassium makes it a detox and diuretic vegetable; its consumption increases urine production and therefore allows better elimination of waste. Little extra: it contains kaempferol, an antioxidant that protects organs from free radicals.

8 - Pineapple, fat-burning detox food

This fruit is recognized for its fat-burning properties, essential for maintaining the integrity of the liver, whose functions are slowed down when it is invaded by fat cells. This is a very common phenomenon, many people have a “fatty” liver without knowing it. Without symptoms, this phenomenon can nevertheless lead to much more serious pathologies.

9 - Cider vinegar, detox and antibacterial food

The antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar prevent accumulation and stagnation in the intestines. It also helps reduce bloating .

10 - Water, essential for detox

The most essential point of a good detox: pay particular attention to your water intake. If it must be quite consistent throughout the year, during detox periods, it is inseparable from good effectiveness. 2 liters of water per day is therefore a minimum, and we will go without alcohol for a while at least.

Overall, favoring a diet rich in fiber and antioxidants promotes the elimination of waste and cleanses the body of toxins, so for this, we don't skimp on fruits and vegetables!

For all people who want to unload their liver and revitalize its functions, as well as those of all the other organs responsible for waste elimination, we have created the 30-DAY Restart pack which combines 4 products and 30 days to revitalize the organs responsible for eliminating toxins from our body and feel lasting improvements in intestinal comfort, skin, energy and immunity. The combination of these plants, combined with a healthy and balanced diet, allows you to regain a state of homeostasis of your emunctory organs, and to promote vitality, weight regulation, energy, etc.


SCHRADER R. (1956). Black radish in the treatment of liver and bile duct diseases. Hippokrates , 27 (17), 561–563.
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