Les effets de l'alcool sur la santé | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques



"With moderation" ! This is the key word when talking about alcohol. Indeed, alcohol represents a paradox in itself.

It is not necessary for the body, its consumption in excess is even harmful to it, however, it can have some benefits when consumed reasonably. Let's take an overview of its effects on the body.

How is alcohol processed in our body?

Even if our body does not need alcohol strictly speaking, it is entirely capable of processing and breaking it down, but up to a certain threshold. Indeed, after absorption by the small intestine, and if a small part is directly eliminated by urine, and even by exhaled air, the majority is transported to the liver. This acts as a treatment plant: it will degrade it using two enzymes. But the capabilities of these enzymes are limited. By consuming too much alcohol in a short period of time, the enzymes are overloaded with work, they no longer keep up, and you directly poison your liver. Ultimately, it is this behavior that is harmful for this organ, and for the body in general.

How to navigate your alcohol consumption?

We understand, alcohol is therefore not necessary and can even be harmful to us… However, it is a source of pleasure, and pleasure should not be neglected! It is therefore preferable to regulate your consumption. The work of researchers and health authorities has made it possible to establish some benchmark values: 10 standard glasses of alcohol per week is a maximum, and this, without exceeding 2 glasses per day. If there are free days during the week, even better!

After the age of 65, alcohol is less well tolerated, and it is recommended not to exceed 7 drinks per week.

But then what constitutes a “standard glass of alcohol”? Well you have to think about the doses that a bar could serve you: a standard glass of beer, wine or even spirits will have the same quantity of alcohol, around 10 grams. The quantity in the glass therefore depends on the degree of alcohol in the drink. For a glass of wine, it will be 10 cl, while for a beer it is equivalent to half, or 25 cl.

And why monitor your consumption?

Because as mentioned previously, the body only tolerates a small amount of alcohol from time to time. Of course, a few excesses will not be your downfall, and as always, having fun is important. But it is essential to be aware of the risks of excessive consumption over time.

In addition to addiction, from which it is very difficult to escape, the pathologies caused by alcohol abuse are numerous. We can observe a decline in the liver: from simple steatohepatitis (or fatty liver disease) we will move towards cirrhosis, and ultimately, cancer. This is why it is important to monitor the health of your liver, because the onset of fatty liver is asymptomatic, and yet it can lead to complications. Many studies tend to demonstrate correlations between excessive alcohol consumption and certain cancers, notably those of the oral cavity, colon, rectum, and liver.

Excessive alcohol consumption is also associated with the appearance of intestinal dysbiosis, which, we now know, is harmful to the body in many respects as the systems and mechanisms affected by it are numerous.

The importance of detox in all this?

Whatever the case, and as said previously: alcohol should be consumed in moderation. It is not necessarily necessary to drink it, but everything that makes us happy should not be banned! To limit its deleterious effects on the body, at each change of season, it is wise to allow yourself a small detox phase in order to revitalize the functions of your emunctory organs to get off to a good start.

For all people who want to unload their liver and revitalize its functions, as well as those of all the other organs responsible for eliminating waste, we have created the 30-DAY Restart pack which combines 4 products and 30 days to revitalize the liver. organs responsible for eliminating toxins from our body and feel lasting improvements in intestinal comfort, skin, energy and immunity.


[1] Gardner, J.D., & Mouton, A.J. (2015). Alcohol effects on cardiac function. Comprehensive Physiology , 5 (2), 791–802. https://doi.org/10.1002/cphy.c140046

[2] Campollo O. (2019). Alcohol and the Liver: The Return of the Prodigal Son. Annals of hepatology , 18 (1), 6–10. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0012.7854

[3] Qamar, N., Castano, D., Patt, C., Chu, T., Cottrell, J., & Chang, SL (2019). Meta-analysis of alcohol induced gut dysbiosis and the resulting behavioral impact. Behavioral brain research , 376 , 112196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112196

[4] Coulton S. (2011). Alcohol misuse. BMJ clinical evidence , 2011 , 1017.

[5] Szalay F. (2003). Alkohol okozta emésztószervi betegségek [Alcohol-induced gastrointestinal diseases]. Orvosi hetilap , 144 (34), 1659–1666.

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