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5 tips to combat bloating

Do you have a stomach that swells after eating and are you looking for a solution to relieve it? Here are 5 tips to combat bloating.

Many women experience this feeling of a heavy, swollen stomach, which sometimes even ends up ruining their lives when it is too frequent. So how can you fight bloating and get rid of the “pregnant belly” effect after eating? We tell you everything, follow the guide!

What is bloating?

We call “ abdominal bloating ” or “ aerogastria ” the excessive presence of gas in the stomach which causes an increase in abdominal volume giving the impression of a swollen stomach. This bloating results in gas, abdominal pain and often appears with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach . When these unpleasant symptoms become too frequent, fighting against bloating becomes essential!

What causes bloating?

Bloating is the result of difficult digestion that leads to excess gas in the intestines. Be careful, digestion can be difficult even after a healthy meal, since everyone has different sensitivities. It is therefore a question of understanding which foods or which food combinations your intestines have difficulty digesting, to limit or eliminate them and thus fight against bloating effectively.

5 natural tips against bloating

Being bloated is not inevitable. Some people think that this phenomenon after eating is normal, or due to their metabolism and that there is not much to do. They are wrong! It is entirely possible to get rid of bloating by adopting, for example, new habits that are easy to implement on a daily basis.

1 – Chew well to combat bloating

Digestion begins in the mouth with the secretion of saliva. The latter contains an enzyme, salivary amylase, which is used to cut food molecules into small pieces. By chewing correctly, the stomach works less, and digestion will be easier. In addition, chewing triggers the release of histamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter that increases the feeling of fullness. Remember: your meal should last at least 20 minutes.

2 – Eat fruit outside of meals to avoid bloating

The digestion of fruit is faster than that of the food bolus. When you eat fruit for dessert, it becomes blocked by the food bolus, leading to fermentation of the fruit in the intestines and therefore bloating. Have your fruit as a snack during the day, or at least 2 hours after your meal.

3 – Make the right food combinations to fight against bloating

Foods do not have the same composition and the combination of certain foods can make digestion more difficult for some people. Food dissociation can be a solution to lighten the digestive system. Very simply, it's about not mixing proteins and starchy foods on your plate. Eat fiber (vegetables and legumes) at all meals that you combine with either protein or starchy foods. It is important to note that digestion can vary from person to person, and some people may feel better by avoiding mixing certain types of foods, while others have no particular problems with the combination of different nutrients in the same meal. So adapt this tip according to your feelings.

4 – Limit carbonated drinks to prevent bloating

Sparkling water and soda clog the digestive tract, causing distension of the walls of the intestine and stomach and therefore swelling.

5 – Avoid consuming chewing gum to avoid bloating

When we chew gum, we ingest air into the digestive tract, which can lead to frequent bloating.

Take probiotics, fundamental allies for digestive balance and prevention of bloating

Bloating is directly linked to digestion and therefore to the proper functioning of our digestive system. Be aware that this digestive balance is nevertheless fragile. Multiple causes can hinder the proper functioning of digestion and lead to an imbalance in the intestinal microbiota (bad eating habits, overeating, insufficient chewing, chronic stress, etc.). In the digestion process, the intestine and liver play an essential role. When this ecosystem is disrupted, more or less annoying disorders appear: bloating, gas, rumbling stomach, nausea, digestive heaviness, etc. In these cases, to relieve bloating, a course of probiotics is necessary.

The DIJO solution

In order to effectively combat bloating , at DIJO we have designed the anti-bloating pack which combines the 5-day reset treatment with our favorite Essential Probiotics . Firstly, the 5-day reset is an innovative herbal medicine product which draws its powers from a plant alliance: Caraway , Vegetable Charcoal , Alpha-galactosidase and Fennel . This plant concentrate allows you to eradicate bloating to find intestinal serenity and a flat stomach in just 5 days. Secondly, probiotics contribute to the balance of the intestinal microbiota, which promotes intestinal and digestive well-being.

Detox Pack ⎜ DIJO                                                                   

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