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How to fight chronic fatigue?

Fatigue, whether acute or chronic, handicaps us on a daily basis. Here are some tips to fight against this scourge.

Fatigue is a phenomenon that we all experience in our lives. However, it can have different degrees and different origins. It is often due to our lifestyles and can, for certain people, last over time and impact daily life.

What you must remember

  • Chronic fatigue is the consequence of our overall lifestyle (physical and mental health, diet, physical activity, etc.)
  • Our mental health and particularly stress can cause and worsen body fatigue
  • Diet is essential to regulate fatigue and promote falling asleep
  • Overwork of the liver can be the cause of chronic fatigue
  • A liver detox is recommended in cases of intense fatigue

What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is defined as fatigue which is not regulated by rest and which alters the person's lifestyle. It is often disabling and leads to cognitive difficulties (memorization, learning, restitution of knowledge). To speak of chronicity of fatigue, this syndrome must have been present for at least 6 weeks in adults and 4 weeks in children or adolescents . In some cases, discomfort may occur after exercise. This syndrome is therefore not based on biological characteristics such as deficiencies and is therefore diagnosed by a doctor following the occurrence of various physical symptoms.

The most common causes of chronic fatigue

Apart from certain pathologies which can lead to chronic fatigue, the causes are numerous. The first one that comes to mind is lack of sleep . It actually concerns a large part of the population, since according to an Inserm file published in 2017, the French sleep on average 1h30 less than 50 years ago. But if you consider that your sleep time is sufficient - it is supposed to be between 7 and 9 hours for adults - it is surely that the quality of it is not optimal.

There are several reasons that can cause these sleep problems.

Sleep disorders

According to Inserm, 1 in 3 French people suffer from one of these disorders: apnea, paralysis, insomnia, sleepwalking, etc. They disrupt the sleep of the person experiencing them but also of those around them. Different causes can be at the origin: psychological and somatic disorders, any illnesses, medication and many others. To better understand them, it is important to talk to your doctor to identify the cause and be able to fight against fatigue.

The rhythm and activities of the day

Depending on its rhythm and the emotions felt throughout the day, sleep can be altered and create a feeling of fatigue. Indeed, late practice of a sport, significant stress, a sedentary lifestyle are key factors which will modulate our sleep in a negative way. This is why it is important to ensure that you have a regular rhythm of life with moderate sports practice, adapted to your needs and your free time while avoiding practicing it just before bedtime.

The sleeping environment

The place of rest is also very important. It will determine sleeping conditions and may or may not promote good recovery. Indeed, a calm and dark environment will help activate the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, necessary for falling asleep. In addition, the type of bed in which we sleep is essential. A suitable mattress will allow the body to take pleasant positions at night. Finally, the environment also plays an important role. Sleeping with your partner has many virtues because, according to an American study, it would reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, promote a full night's sleep and prevent the occurrence of anxiety and daily stress. Obviously, this only applies if the partner does not make any noise during the night.

The influence of diet

Sleep is not the only factor that influences fatigue throughout the day. Indeed, an unbalanced diet can be the cause. Too little carbohydrate intake , for example, can cause a lack of energy. But it can also come from a fundamental problem: deficits, deficiencies, over-stimulated organism .

Another very important factor: an overworked liver . This guarantees the elimination of toxins from our body, but when its functions are overused, its performance is no longer optimal. The result is chronic fatigue and recurrent bouts of post-prandial fatigue.


3 ways to fight chronic fatigue!

#1 - Take care of the quality of your sleep 💤

To ensure restful sleep, there are a few tips. Here are some to make it easier to fall asleep:

  • Do not dine too late: it is best not to go to bed while digesting so as not to disturb sleep.
  • Detach yourself from screens two hours before going to bed, and do not fall asleep in front of the television.
  • Going to bed mindfully, that is, giving importance and being attentive to the moment you are going to sleep. Establishing a bedtime ritual can help.

There are also some tips to benefit from more restful sleep and fight against chronic fatigue:

  • Sleeping in total darkness.
  • Maintain an ambient temperature in the room.
  • Limit noise pollution as much as possible.

#2 - Adopt adapted eating habits 🍽️

To combat chronic fatigue, one of the first things we think of in this case is caffeine . It is best to stop drinking coffee and tea in the late afternoon to avoid disrupting sleep.

In addition to the usual dietary recommendations , it is important to maintain a sufficient intake of carbohydrates , especially complex carbohydrates, fuel for our body. Consuming too many simple carbohydrates will have the opposite effect: they will give you a boost of energy for a short period, but reactive hypoglycemia and therefore fatigue will inevitably follow.

It may be wise to carry out a complete blood test to assess micronutrient levels, because certain deficits or deficiencies lead to excessive fatigue, particularly in vitamins B9, B12, C, iron, and magnesium.

Finally, large, rich, fatty meals often lead to post-prandial fatigue due to the difficulty the body will have in digesting them. It is therefore preferable to stick to a meal with balanced macronutrient intakes, composed of foods that are easy to digest. Resisting the afternoon nap will make it easier to fall asleep in the evening.

#3 - Consider a detox through food supplements 💊

As said previously, chronic fatigue can come from an overworked liver , which struggles to maintain its functions. We don't always realize this, which is why it's useful to do a little detox at each change of season.

To do this, it is advisable to limit the consumption of alcohol, very sugary products and cold meats. It is best to turn to draining foods like green tea, black radish, cucumber and other detoxifiers.


At DIJO, we support you in the process of combating chronic fatigue. For this, a real cure based on food supplements is essential.

Our Energy Immunity Prebiotics will provide the body with compounds essential for maintaining the immune system and energy. Thanks to the vitamin C and Guarana it contains, it is the perfect ally to boost your energy throughout the day!

In addition, a detox cure can also be very useful in order to eliminate toxins from the body and support the detoxification functions of the liver thanks to Liver Detox and thus fight against deep chronic fatigue.

Sources :

[ 1] Sleep ⋅ Inserm, Science for health. (2017). Accessed November 17, 2021, at https://www.inserm.fr/dossier/sommeil/

[2] Jason, LA, Evans, M., Brown, M., & Porter, N. (2010). What is tired? Pathological and nonpathological fatigue. PM & R: the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation , 2 (5), 327–331. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmrj.2010.03.028 

[3] Brandon Fuentes, Kathryn Kennedy, William Killgore, Chloe Wills, Michael Grandner, 0010 Bed Sharing Versus Sleeping Alone Associated with Sleep Health and Mental Health, Sleep, Volume 45, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page A4, https:// doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsac079.009 

[4] Markun, S., Gravestock, I., Jäger, L., Rosemann, T., Pichierri, G., & Burgstaller, JM (2021). Effects of Vitamin B12 Supplementation on Cognitive Function, Depressive Symptoms, and Fatigue: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression. Nutrients, 13(3), 923. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13030923 

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