Nos conseils pour faciliter la digestion DIJO

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6 tips for digesting well and facilitating digestion

Cynthia Hayek , Osteopath and Yoga teacher, gives us her advice for good digestion.

Poor diet, overly large meals and daily stress are the main causes of difficult digestion. Unfortunately when our digestive system is abused, our entire body suffers the consequences: bloating, stomach aches, heartburn or acid reflux, mood and sleep disorders, pimples... It's time to act to overcome these symptoms which can ruin our lives!

But then, how to digest properly ? Thanks to natural remedies that are easy to apply on a daily basis, you will be able to quickly regain digestive comfort.

6 natural tips to improve digestion

1. Take the time to eat well

It's simple but we tend to forget to apply it on a daily basis. At lunchtime, when eating on the go, sometimes standing up, you don't take the time to enjoy your meal or chew properly, which leads to digestion problems. For what ? Because it takes our brain 20 minutes to release the molecules responsible for the feeling of satiety and the enzymes which start digestion. By eating too quickly, the brain does not have time to properly process the information. Take your time at the table, it will help you digest better.

2. Move to digest well

In order to promote the functioning of our entire digestive system, the best technique is to be in movement yourself. After a meal, we often want to collapse on a sofa, but we stop you right away, the best thing to do is to go out for a 5-10 minute walk. The digestive walk is not a myth, it really facilitates digestion. And if you are often prone to digestive disorders, we advise you to also practice regular sporting activity in order to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Indeed, toned abs ensure better transit and reduce bloating.

3. Stay hydrated to help your body digest better

For your health, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 L of water per day. More is even better! Good hydration has a real impact on the digestive system. We often hear that we should not drink during meals to avoid diluting digestive enzymes and therefore slowing down digestion. In principle, it makes sense but rest assured, just because you are going to drink a little (still!) water while eating does not mean that your body will not be able to digest afterwards. The body is well made and our digestive system is intelligent enough to know how to regulate the secretion of digestion enzymes. If it's not easy for you to drink plain water, consider herbal teas which provide real digestive comfort. Digestion herbal teas are easily found on the market, but at DIJO, we highly recommend our “ mega-draining infusion ” based on organic nettle, organic ginger, organic spirulina and organic mint, which promotes the elimination of toxins and helps to digest better. You can also play the little witches by concocting your own herbal tea after a meal. To do this, for example, infuse leaves of peppermint, rosemary, verbena or even lemon balm, known for their digestive properties.

4. Breathe to promote digestion

Breathing is done through a muscle, the diaphragm, which rises and falls and which will massage our entire digestive tract. Hence the importance of breathing well: the stomach inflates when inhaling and deflates when exhaling, we call this abdominal breathing and it allows for better digestion .

5. Take a course of probiotics to improve digestion

Of course, to better digest, we can only advise you to adopt DIJO 100% natural digestion probiotics . Our Essential Probiotic which, in a course of at least one month, will rebalance your microbiota and allow you to regain intestinal well-being thanks to the probiotics it contains and our Easy Digestion which is to be taken occasionally, after a hearty meal to say goodbye to this unpleasant feeling of heaviness and the big boost that accompanies it, will both improve and facilitate digestion for a peaceful transit.

6. Massage yourself to facilitate digestion

A little bonus video tip with Cynthia Hayek , osteopath and yoga teacher, who shows us how to massage your stomach to facilitate digestion.

Mistakes to avoid to digest well

  • Avoid lying down after eating because in this position it is more difficult for food to go down into the intestines and this will slow down digestion.
  • Avoid intense sport right after a meal. The 10-minute digestive walk yes, jogging no! For the body there is a time to digest and the other to activate, both at the same time requiring too much effort.
  • Avoid tea at the end of a meal: it contains tannins which inhibit certain digestive enzymes.

A little DIJO helping hand

Say goodbye to digestive heaviness with Easy Digestion , our combination of 5 active ingredients selected for their beneficial effects on digestive comfort. Choline and inositol contribute to the proper functioning of the liver and participate in the digestion of fats (oils, butter, cheese, nuts, fatty fish, fast food, etc.). Bromelain and papain participate in the digestion of proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, etc.). Black radish facilitates the secretion of bile, a liquid secreted by the liver and which participates in the digestion of fats. It also allows for proper elimination of waste after a hearty meal (like an overdose of raclette for example).
In addition and quickly and effectively, our 5-day reset flat stomach cure is an essential product which will allow you to firstly reduce bloating, flatulence and gas and thus regain a flat stomach instantly. Indeed, thanks to its high active content and its short duration, this product will provide you with immediate relief. To prolong its effects, all our other cures should be taken following this first one to strengthen your flora or relieve specific digestive symptoms.

You now know how to digest well , all you have to do is implement these 5 natural tips to put an end to your digestion problems once and for all.

Photo credit: Delphine Joly

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