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5 good eating habits that are easy to adopt

Adopting good eating habits is essential to maintaining good health. But it still has to be easy to do!
It is common to hear everything and its opposite when it comes to nutritional and hygiene advice. As time goes by, the advice multiplies and it becomes complicated to succeed in sorting and selecting the essential eating habits to adopt for an optimal lifestyle.
This is why, today we present to you 5 good eating habits that are easy to implement and fundamental to strengthen and support your body.

What you must remember :

  • Food should be a source of energy for the body but also of pleasure
  • It must be varied and composed of local products, adapted to the seasons and the needs of the body.
  • Fiber is essential for stomach well-being
  • Staying sufficiently hydrated (1.5L of drinking water) is essential to maintain good health
  • Listening to the body and its food sensations is essential
  • Good eating habits, what are we talking about?

    Diet is an integral part of our lives and is essential for optimally maintaining a healthy body. It allows us to provide energy, nutrients and water for the proper functioning of the body but also of the brain to maintain optimal mental health. Indeed, food is a source of pleasure and must be both adapted to needs but also to desires. We will always favor listening to our body and eating mindfully so that consumption is consistent.

    In addition, eating well is not always associated with consuming more expensive products. It is possible to change a few small eating habits to improve your health and support the body in its basic functions while protecting your wallet and cooking quickly and easily.

    Our advice for good eating habits

    #1 – A varied and balanced diet, the foundations of good health

    This is the #1 healthy eating tip that you've probably heard a million times! However, we will never stop repeating it enough, but it is essential to vary the food families to provide everything your body needs. Balance, which is defined by an appropriate intake in quantity of each food family, therefore easily follows from this.

    Our nutritional advice : try as much as possible to compose your dishes like this:

    • 1 source of carbohydrates : starchy foods (rice, pasta, potatoes, quinoa, etc.), legumes (lentils, beans, beans, chickpeas, etc.)
    • 1 source of protein : animal (meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs) or vegetable (legumes + cereals, soya (tofu, tempeh, etc.))
    • 1 source of fiber : vegetables and fruits
    • 1 source of lipids : oil, butter, cheese, nuts, etc.

    You are then free to add and vary the foods in each category!

    #2 - Hydration, for a metabolism in action

    Good eating habits are not just about the food itself.

    On average, the body is 65% water . As many physiological functions require water, we must always provide a sufficient quantity adapted to temperature conditions and daily activities.

    The golden rule is therefore to always compensate for losses with contributions.

    The recommended amount of water per day is 2.5L with approximately 1L provided by food and 1.5L which must be provided by drinking water.

    Dehydration can be identified by several signs:

    • Thirst with dry tongue and lips
    • Fatigue
    • Feeling similar to hunger
    • Dry, loose and cold skin

    Our nutrition advice : In the morning, fill a bottle with water, which can be infused with different ingredients (lemon, mint, red fruits, cucumber, or our famous detox potion ), and drink it throughout the day. The ideal is to drink 2 or 3 full gourds to have a sufficient intake.

    #3 – Sufficient fiber intake, for freer digestion

    Fibers, some of which are prebiotics , represent food for good bacteria, called probiotics , present within our intestinal microbiota . This set of microorganisms arranged on the intestinal wall allows the maintenance of optimal digestion and an immune system. Fibers have multiple benefits for the body:

    • Regulation of intestinal transit
    • Balance of the microbiota and strengthening of the immune system
    • Decreased nutrient bioavailability : slowing down nutrient absorption to allow prolonged assimilation over time
    • Increased satiety and weight regulation

    Our nutrition advice : include at least 1 fruit and 1 vegetable per day to facilitate their consumption. You will need to be careful to vary between raw and cooked fruits and vegetables to benefit from all the micronutrient intake (vitamins and minerals) and perpetuate the actions of this good eating habit.

    #4 - Respect for seasonality for well-preserved agriculture and health

    Respecting the seasons of raw products such as fruits and vegetables means above all respecting the life cycle of these plants. Indeed, nature is well made and allows us to access foods adapted to the needs we have according to the seasons.

    In addition, depending on the cultivation methods, plants do not have the same nutrient concentrations. This is why it is recommended to favor the consumption of fruits and vegetables from conventional agriculture and from local production which therefore respects seasonality. Adopting this eating habit allows you to benefit from all the necessary nutrients and to consume tasty products at a fair price.

    Our nutrition advice : refer to the seasonal fruit and vegetable calendar and have fun adapting meals according to seasonal products (for example: strawberry tart in summer and pear tart in winter).

    #5 – Listening to the body and food sensations

    When we take the example of a baby, it is very easy to know when he is hungry and when he is full because he knows very well how to let us know!

    In an adult, it is much more complex…

    Indeed, depending on our lifestyles, our state of health and our consumption environments, our eating habits are more or less strongly impacted and modified. The primary objective is then to refocus on your feelings of hunger, satiety and satiation.

    Hunger is an unpleasant physical sensation that motivates the search for food.

    Satiety corresponds to the feeling of fullness felt between two meals without searching for food.

    Satiety corresponds to the reduction or even cancellation of the sensation of pleasure and therefore of hunger during ingestion.

    Here are some tips to refocus on your eating sensations :

    • Choose a calm environment away from any distractions to eat your meals
    • Vary social meal environments (restaurant, home, canteen, etc.)
    • Avoid drastically respecting conventional meal times and focus on listening to your hunger
    • Avoid forcing yourself to finish your plate if you no longer feel like it.
    • Take the time to chew to better digest food

    Final nutrition advice : avoid any feeling of guilt after meals. Indeed, food must remain a source of pleasure , which is why the implementation of good eating habits must not interfere with this and must not be a source of restrictions.

    In addition to good eating habits, DIJO products will contribute to supporting digestive functioning. and the balance of the intestinal flora. For this, regardless of the pathology you present , we have a pack that is very suitable for any problem and which is without contraindication for any type of adult: regenerated intestines pack . By combining the powers of glutamine with essential probiotics , we help repopulate the microbiota with good bacteria and nourish the cells of the intestinal wall. It provides support for the digestive system and good assimilation of nutrients.

    Please note that these products are to be taken as part of a healthy lifestyle and cannot replace a varied and balanced diet. It is recommended to respect the indicated daily dose and to keep it out of the reach of young children.

    Sources : 

    [1] Lattimer, JM, & Haub, MD (2010). Effects of dietary fiber and its components on metabolic health. Nutrients, 2(12), 1266–1289.

    [2] PNNS (National Nutrition Health Program), (2018), accessed from 

    [3] CNRS, water in the body, consulted from 

    [4], (2021), Why and how to eat seasonally, consulted from preserving-the-planet-without-ruining-it-is-possible/why-and-how-to-eat-seasonal .

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