Les meilleurs probiotiques pour prendre soin de sa flore intime | DIJO Paris

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The best probiotics to take care of your intimate flora

Discover the importance of a balanced intimate flora and its defenders, Lactobacilli. We guide you to choose the best probiotics to regain your intimate well-being.

What are probiotics?

Naturally present in the human body, probiotics are in reality living microorganisms found in particular in the intestinal flora and in the vaginal flora. These “good bacteria” protect against “bad” bacteria while avoiding an imbalance in the flora. Today, it is possible to benefit from probiotics through food supplements .

The importance of probiotics for the intimate flora

The role of intimate flora

The vaginal flora , also known as the vaginal microbiota, is an ecosystem populated by a set of microorganisms naturally present in the vagina. This flora is made up of 90% lactic acid bacteria, called Lactobacilli , which act as a shield for the vaginal canal. In fact, these good bacteria will produce lactic acid, with strong antimicrobial power, in order to maintain an acidic environment (optimal pH of 3.8 to 4.2). This real chemical barrier protects the body from infections by inhibiting the proliferation of bad bacteria.

Factors that influence the balance of the intimate flora

The composition of the vaginal microbiota changes throughout life. However, several factors can lead to an imbalance in the intimate flora . Here are some of the common causes that can disrupt this vaginal balance:

  • Hormonal changes: The woman's body experiences numerous hormonal fluctuations that can influence the balance of the intimate flora. These variations can occur during menstruation , pregnancy , menopause or when taking hormonal contraceptives. This can alter vaginal pH and change the environment conducive to beneficial bacteria. For example, in pregnant women, the increase in hormone levels leads to a greater release of glycogen, a source of energy for Lactobacilli but also for Candida albicans , a pathogenic fungus in excessive quantities, explaining the reason why Pregnant women are more prone to mycoses.
  • Taking medication: Antibiotics are designed to kill pathogenic bacteria, but they can also affect beneficial bacteria present in the intimate flora. Frequent or prolonged use of antibiotics can unbalance the intimate flora by reducing the number of good protective bacteria, which increases the risk of vaginal infections.
  • Lifestyle: The quality of the intimate flora can be altered by many factors such as stress, an unbalanced diet or even smoking.
  • Inadequate hygiene: Poor intimate hygiene, such as lack of regular washing or, conversely, excessive washing with aggressive products, can disrupt the natural balance of intimate flora. This is because these products can alter vaginal pH and eliminate beneficial bacteria, thereby encouraging the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Sexual intercourse: Studies have found that sperm present in semen causes an increase in vaginal pH, making it more vulnerable to infections.

These factors, mentioned previously, can disrupt the balance of the intimate flora and lead to the occurrence of characteristic signs of an intimate imbalance. You don't know how to recognize them? Don't worry, we're getting there!

Signs of an imbalance in the intimate flora

The telltale signs of an imbalance in the intimate flora can vary from one person to another. Here are some common symptoms to watch for:

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge: Unusual vaginal discharge in terms of color, odor, consistency or quantity may be a sign of imbalance in the intimate flora. For example, excessive, thick, white discharge may indicate a yeast infection, while a strong, unpleasant odor may be associated with bacterial vaginosis.
  • Vaginal itching, irritation and burning sensation: These symptoms can be caused by a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis or other vaginal infections and are a sign of an imbalance in the intimate flora.
  • Increased susceptibility to infections: If you are more likely to develop vaginal infections, such as yeast infections or urinary tract infections, this may be a sign of an imbalance in your intimate flora. Recurrent infections may indicate that your intimate flora is not able to maintain a protective environment.
  • Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse (= dyspareunia): An imbalance in the intimate flora can cause vaginal dryness, increased sensitivity or pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Changes during pregnancy: During pregnancy, a change in the intimate flora can lead to symptoms such as abnormal discharge, itching or unusual odors. If you are pregnant and notice these changes, it is important to consult your healthcare professional.

It is important to note that these signs may also be linked to other health problems. If you suspect you have an imbalance in your intimate flora, it is recommended to consult a health professional, such as a gynecologist or general practitioner, to obtain an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The best probiotic strains for intimate flora

Decades of research have shown that Lactobacillus, probiotic strains that reside in the vagina, are the first line of defense in the female genital tract.

  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus : It is considered one of the most effective strains for maintaining the balance of vaginal flora and preventing vaginal infections. Its powerful anti-inflammatory properties allow it to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Lactobacillus reuteri : This strain is more commonly used to strengthen digestive and immune health, but it can also be beneficial for the balance of intimate flora, thanks to its secretion of lactic acid.
  • Lactobacillus crispatus : This strain is considered the biomarker of healthy vaginal flora. Indeed, it is the strain most frequently found (48%) in the normal vaginal ecosystem and which disappears in cases of bacterial vaginosis.

Take care of your intimate flora with DIJO probiotics

At DIJO, we have created the Intimate Flora pack bringing together two intimate flora probiotic cures . The essential probiotics , to act on the intestinal flora and restore the microbial balance thanks to its 8 strains of bacteria. It is recommended to carry out a treatment of two to 3 continuous months to feel deep and lasting effects, for prevention or when you feel the need. It is also entirely possible to take them continuously if you wish. And our probiotic vaginal flora which helps strengthen the intimate flora and maintain feminine balance, thanks to its three specialized strains which are among the most abundant of this flora. The treatment is also to be taken over two to three months, in the event of repeated cystitis and/or mycosis, and to be repeated 4 times a year or when you feel the need.

Sources :

[1] Lepargneur, JP (2016, July). Lactobacillus crispatus as biomarker of the healthy vaginal tract. In Annals of Clinical Biology (Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 421-427).

[2] Bohbot, JM, Daraï, E., Bretelle, F., Brami, G., Daniel, C., & Cardot, JM (2018). Efficacy and safety of vaginally administered lyophilized Lactobacillus crispatus IP 174178 in the prevention of bacterial vaginosis recurrence. Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction , 47 (2), 81-86.

[3] Yang, S., Reid, G., Challis, JR, Gloor, GB, Asztalos, E., Money, D., ... & Bocking, AD (2020). Effect of oral probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 on the vaginal microbiota, cytokines and chemokines in pregnant women. Nutrients , 12 (2), 368.

[4] Borges, S., Silva, J., & Teixeira, P. (2014). The role of lactobacilli and probiotics in maintaining vaginal health. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics , 289 (3), 479-489.

[5] Mändar, R., Sõerunurk, G., Štšepetova, J., Smidt, I., Rööp, T., Kõljalg, S., ... & Salumets, A. (2023). Impact of Lactobacillus crispatus-containing oral and vaginal probiotics on vaginal health: a randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial. Beneficial Microbes, 14(2), 143-152.

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