The origin of irritable bowel syndrome is probably multifactorial and complex, but remains unknown. However, it is clear that this pathology is associated with a dysfunction of nervous communications between the peripheral nervous system of the digestive tract, therefore our stomach, and the central nervous system, therefore our brain, which together control the contraction of the intestines. Consequently, the intestinal neurons send the wrong signal to the muscle fibers, which leads to an acceleration or slowing down of intestinal transit. This poor communication may be linked to a viral or bacterial infection, intestinal hyperpermeability, dysbiosis (imbalance of the intestinal flora), malabsorption of bile acids or even a genetic predisposition.
Faced with an imbalance between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria of the microbiota, your intestinal wall becomes porous. It can no longer effectively fulfill its mission as a barrier against pathogens and disrupts the functioning of its 200 million neurons. You then feel tired all the time, transit disorders become recurrent and your natural defenses no longer protect you as well as before. It is time to stop this vicious circle and provide glutamine, fuel for your intestinal cells, so that they can renew themselves. Glutamine can be taken continuously if necessary and in the event of minor digestive disorders, we advise you to renew a course at least with each change of season.
Strengthen your intestinal wall
One of the possibilities suggested to explain the appearance, development and severity of irritable bowel syndrome is the imbalance of the intestinal microbiota. Your immune system reacts abnormally and confuses healthy intestinal cells with invaders to be fought (bacteria, viruses, harmful substances) present in the digestive tract. This leads to chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall. Hence the importance of giving your microbiota a little boost to maintain its balance by stocking up on good bacteria regularly, at least at each change of season.
Stock up on good bacteria